Guy Shares Bizarre Story of Someone Who Broke into His House and Did This

Updated May 27 2019, 12:29 p.m. ET

When Nate Roman came home from work, he noticed that something was amiss. Everywhere he walked, there were signs that someone had entered his house when he wasn't there.
Nate admitted that he might've forgotten to lock the door, as nothing was broken. No locks were jimmied, no windows were smashed.
But the further he inspected his home and saw that everything was intact, Nate noticed that this was no ordinary break-in as someone was indeed there, but not to rob him.
According to the US Department of Justice, there are an average of 1.03 million home invasions each year. Usually, they involve burglaries and non-violent crimes between the hours of 10am and 3pm, while most people are at work and the kids are at school.
If you've ever been burglarized, then you know it's not a pleasant experience. Other than the fact that you've had your belongings stolen, it also makes your home feel less secure.
It's difficult to sleep peacefully at night, knowing that someone so easily gave themselves access to your home. For many of us, our homes = a safe space.
So Nate was understandably in a panic when he first discovered the "break-in" but the further he looked around his home, the more he realized that the only reason the "invader" came into his home in the first place was to clean it.

He wrote about the bizarre experience on his Facebook page:
"I need to share an experience.
Today, while I was at work, a stranger entered my house. It's possible that I forgot to lock the back door, they didn't break anything while entering. I usually forget to arm my alarm during the day, but unfortunately that also happened, so I don't have any video, despite having cameras."
Because he didn't arm his house alarm before leaving for work, he didn't have any video footage of whoever was in his home. I guess the "have it and not need it" argument only applies if you remember to use it in the event that you do "need it", right?
Nate continued:
"Ready for the weird part? Not only did they not take anything (that I can find), but the purpose of the visit was to clean my bathrooms and bedrooms. They made the beds, vacuumed the rugs, scrubbed the toilets and left tp roses."
Not only did they scrub his bathrooms and clean up the bedrooms in the house, but they also made the beds in the home, vacuumed all of the rugs, left the toilets spic and span and even put little roses on the rolls of toilet paper in the house. That's some professional-level home cleaning right there.
As weird as it is, Nate has a theory as to what could have happened, however:
"No notes, no creepy arrangements or anything. My best theory at this point is that a housekeeping service accidentally went to the wrong address. It's still weird and creepy AF. No idea what to think about this."
If he is right and it is a cleaning person who ended up going to the wrong address, then one of Nate's neighbor's is going to be a very unhappy customer.
Some people saw the levity in the situation and told Nate that he should basically thank his lucky stars for such a wonderful "accident." While others were a bit more leery of the entire situation.
What do you think? Was Nate's "break-in" an honest mistake, or is there some long con going on that he should be wary of?