'House of the Dragon' Memes Are Literally Spitting Fire (SPOILERS)

Updated Oct. 14 2022, 4:30 p.m. ET

Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers for House of the Dragon Episode 8.
Sometimes there’s no better reason to watch House of the Dragon than to keep up with meme culture. HBO finally aired Episode 8, which contains some of the most emotional scenes and shocking deaths of the show to date. Naturally, the memes around these moments are as hilarious as the scenes are compelling.
Episode 8 takes place six years after Episode 7. Ser Corlys Velaryon is wounded during at the Stepstones. His brother Vaemond tries to become his heir and denounces Lucerys's claim.
Meanwhile, King Viserys suffers from old age and a debilitating illness, allowing Queen Alicent and Otto Hightower to tend to royal matters and scandals. Despite this, he defends his family before Vaemond, resulting in Vaemond's grisly murder at Daemon's hands.
Check out the funniest memes about the episode.

Without context.
Avoiding spoilers online can be a pain, especially for a show with such bombastic reveals as House of the Dragon. These "spoilers without context" posts can sometimes help you feel like a part of the conversation, even if you haven't caught up. Although, try not to think too hard about these posts if you don't want to spoil yourself.
Daemon Targaryen Bingo
Daemon is as predictable as he is unpredictable. That may sound paradoxical, but he has a way of surprising us every episode … and in doing so, he becomes unsurprising. So, Twitter user Vasilisa made (or found) the perfect Daemon Targaryen bingo card, featuring squares such as “Exile,” “New Haircut,” “Tries to Marry Rhaenyra,” and many more.
Arya’s List
Arya Stark’s list was one of the mainstays of Game of Thrones. We all knew she would defeat whoever made it on, and by the end of the series, she’s freed from her vengeance. But we’re not freed from ours against the HBO gods! Now we have our own list of characters we’d like to see Arya take down.
Shared interests.
We absolutely love seeing cast members getting along on set. When it comes to Paddy and Emily Carey (who portrayed young Alicent Hightower), they seem to share an interest about slaying on set together.
True method acting.
Here's a piece of TV trivia for you. Actor Wil Johnson was so dedicated to his role as Ser Vaemond Velaryon that he actually asked Matt Smith to slice off the top half of his head in order to give a more compelling performance. You couldn't possibly find an actor more devoted to his craft.
Same name troubles.
OK, but how hilarious would it be if someone called for Aegon at a Targaryen family barbecue and half the people in attendance stood up?
"I'm gonna go as fast as I can so I don't miss anything."
Yeah, the murder of his brother definitely be a tough one to have to explain to Corlys (Steve Toussaint) if he's able to recover.
As House of the Dragon progresses, we’re sure that the memes will only build, so check back here after each episode airs on HBO at 9 p.m. EST on Sundays.