This Woman's Housekeeper Made Some Interesting Choices Like a Shrine to Her Cerave Products

Published Dec. 20 2023, 5:10 p.m. ET

It's a real scavenger hunt
It's a good thing I love cleaning because I'm not sure I'll ever be able to afford a housekeeper, and that's OK! I have no problem allowing a stranger in my house. Perhaps I'm a little too trusting. What I can't handle is people touching my things. I'm weird about my stuff. There are times when I will make myself late for something because I'm fastidiously adjusting the throw pillows on my couch or I'm washing all the dishes so I'm not coming home to a mess. Clean on the outside means calm on my insides.
My mother occasionally has a housekeeper come to her home and every time this happens, the cleaner puts things back in the wrong place. It never bothers my mom because she understands that the housekeeper can't be expected to remember where the thousands of knick knacks live. It seems as if Becca, who goes by @becccamooore on TikTok, is the same way. She hired a housekeeper who made a lot of interesting choices when it came to returning her things from whence they came. Honestly, it's high art.

Give her a raise!
It's like 'Where's Waldo' but for all of your things.
When Becca hired a housekeeper to clean her apartment, she definitely got more than she paid for. It's safe to say that Becca got an actual show. For reasons we may never know, this housekeeper chose to organize some of Becca's personal possessions in a way that can only be described as camp.
In the kitchen, there is what Becca calls a shrine to her Cerave. For those who aren't in the know, Cerave mostly makes products for one's face. They are pretty gentle and are used by folks like me, with sensitive baby skin. Like most people, I keep mine in the bathroom not the kitchen.
The only standout item in the Cerave shrine was Becca's salt shaker. In general I try to avoid putting anything on my face that could dry it out. Apart from alcohol, what is more drying than salt? Conversely, I have never eaten my Cerave products. Also, there is one random cup to wash it all down.
Once your skin is clean and salty, feel free to enjoy a platter of Mr. Beast candy. I had no idea he made candy, but I assume there is some sort of trick to eating it. Maybe a person has to agree to spend 65 days in a car hanging over a bridge before they can get one.
If candy isn't your thing, how about snagging some little plastic skulls or the lip liner that were also found in the dish. I'm no medical expert, but I don't think skulls have lips. To finish off this meal, the housekeeper added a few cloves of garlic. "I really liked the way she did this because these are my three favorite ingredients to put into recipes lately so that's perfect," explained Becca.
"In case you're in a baking mood," says Becca panning over to the stovetop, "we have a Loving Tan tanning mitt." This could obviously happen to anyone. Clearly, the housekeeper thought this was an oven mitt. If you think about it, both an oven mitt and a tanning mitt are both used in lieu of burning.

She doesn't want Becca to get a burn!
If you're anything like me, you've been wondering where the pepper shaker got off to. It's not with the salt shaker in the Cerave shrine. Apparently, it's next to a container of Mermaid hair wax, in front of a bottle of oil. As one person put it in the comments, "I appreciate that she gave the salt and pepper some space of their own during the stressful holiday season."
"I think the most important thing she did for me was make sure to put this parking ticket that I haven't paid yet, front and center on my desk." Becca had actually misplaced the parking ticket so this was a win all around. As someone who once got her car towed for too many unpaid parking tickets, you really shouldn't let that slide.
It's important to note that Becca's tone is one of amused respect. This is not meant to shame the woman but rather to commend her for brightening Becca's day both as a housekeeper and an artist. Becca made sure to mention she would be hiring this woman again and honestly, so would I.