This TikTok Filter Adds a Whole New Meaning to Having an Out-of-Body Experience

Published Nov. 20 2020, 5:22 p.m. ET

Filters allow TikTok users to take their videos to the next level, as they can provide special effects and become trends themselves.
If you've been scrolling through the app, you may have noticed users employing the "Out of Body" filter on their videos. The feature allows creators to pause their body on the screen, and then pop out of it as though they are a spirit or a ghost.
Top content creators on the app, including Charli and Dixie D'Amelio, have posted their own takes on the filter.
Unlike some other filters, the Out of Body one requires a bit more work and practice. But, once you get the hang of it, you'll be using the filter for both dance and comedy videos.
How does the Out of Body filter work on TikTok? Keep reading for the comprehensive guide on how to make your own trendy video.
How does the Out of Body filter work on TikTok?
While some people are employing the filter to create unique ghost videos, most are using it to do a specific dance to the song "VMESHBEATS ADDERALL X BOO X IG FREESTYLE" by Varoon Ramesh.
To successfully utilize the filter, you must first locate and select the "Out of Body" option under effects. The "Out of Body" selection shows a face with another face faded out behind it.
Once the effect has been chosen, you can begin to film the video. In order to lock your body into the frame (and then "pop out" of it later), you must stop for around one to three seconds. If you've been watching other people participate in the trend, you'll notice that they all pause briefly before snapping out of their bodies in the frame.
If you've successfully paused for long enough while you're filming the video, the freeze frame of your body will show up.
If you do not see the Out of Body effect while you're filming, then you either clicked on the wrong filter, or you didn't stop moving entirely.
Of course, you can always edit how long the pauses appear to be when you're filming.
When you do eventually cross back over the frozen image, it goes away and makes it appear as if you went back into your body. If you don't line up enough with the frozen image, it will stay on the screen.
Some users have pointed out that covering your eyes works to get the filter off the screen.
It may take several tries to get the hang of the filter (and to eventually match Charli's dance timing), but once you do, using the Out of Body filter will become second nature.
This TikTok user explained how to use the Out of Body filter in a step-by-step tutorial.
TikTok user @GirlWithaCellPhone posted a tutorial on YouTube about how to successfully employ the ghost filter/Out of Body effect.
Though the instructions for freezing and unfreezing the frame are somewhat self-explanatory, learning the dance that goes along with the filter is another issue entirely.
You can watch her explanation video below!