All of the Pokémon You Can Photograph in 'New Pokémon Snap'
![Sara Belcher - Author](
Updated May 3 2021, 5:04 p.m. ET
!['New Pokémon Snap']( 480w, 640w, 768w, 1024w, 1280w, 1440w, 1600w, 2160w)
Niantic's newest title, New Pokémon Snap, a remake of the original N64 game, is giving players the opportunity to photograph more than 200 Pokémon across all eight generations in the newly discovered Lental region.
But just how many Pokémon are scattered across these tracks in New Pokémon Snap? In total, there are 214 Pokémon to photograph, with some being a bit more difficult to get to than others. Below, we've listed all of the Pokémon in the game and where you can find them.
In many regions, certain Pokémon won't appear until you advance to Research Level 2 (or higher) for that area. If you can't find all of the listed Pokémon at first, complete the route in an area again to try to unlock the ones you're missing (we can't spoil everything for you).
Keep in mind that the Pokémon available in the Illumina Spot are particularly hard to photograph, but your handy Illumina Orbs will help you get just the right shot.
Florio Nature Park Pokémon
![florio nature park](
The Florio Nature Park is the first area you'll play through as part of the Florio region. Florio has both a day and a night course, as well as an Illumina Spot, where you'll be able to photograph different Pokémon. Here are the Pokémon available in this region.
- Bidoof (day and night)
- Bouffalant (day and night)
- Caterpie (night)
- Combee (night)
- Comfey (day, night, and Illumina Spot)
- Dodrio (day and night)
- Ducklett (day and night)
- Emolga (day)
- Eevee (Illumina Spot only)
- Florges (day)
- Grookey (day and night)
- Heracross (night)
- Hoothoot (day and night)
- Magikarp (day, night)
- Meganium (Illumina Spot only)
- Murkrow (day and night)
- Pichu (day and night)
- Pidgeot (day and night)
- Pinsir (day and night)
- Scorbunny (day and night)
- Shaymin (day and night)
- Swanna (day and night)
- Sylveon (night)
- Tangrowth (day and night)
- Taillow (day)
- Torterra (night)
- Vespiquen (night)
- Vivillon (day)
- Wurmple (day)
Research Camp Pokémon
![research camp](
The Research Camp is the base in New Pokémon Snap, though there are plenty of Pokémon to photograph while exploring this region. There is only a daytime route for this area. Here are the Pokémon available in the Research Camp:
- Audino
- Bunnelby
- Cutiefly
- Dedenne
- Meowth
- Pikachu
- Rattata
- Starly
- Stoutland
- Sudowoodo
- Trubbish
Founja Jungle Pokémon
![founja jungle](
Part of the Belusylva region, the Founja Jungle is one of two areas to unlock with a day and night route. Here are the Pokémon available in the Founja Jungle:
- Aipom (day)
- Arbok (day and night)
- Ariados (night)
- Beautifly (day)
- Bounsweet (day and night)
- Leafeon (day)
- Ledian (night)
- Liepard (day and night)
- Metapod (day)
- Mew (night)
- Morelull (night)
- Pikipek (day and night)
- Quagsire (day and night)
- Slaking (day)
- Sobble (day)
- Swampert (night)
- Toucannon (day and night)
- Venusaur (day)
- Wooper (day and night)
- Yanmega (day and night)
Elsewhere Forest Pokémon
![elsewhere forest](
Elsewhere Forest is another location in the Belusylva region. This area doesn't have different day and night routes, but it does have different corners representing the seasons, which leads to a wide variety of Pokémon. Here are the Pokémon available in Elsewhere Forest:
- Applin
- Bewear
- Bulbasaur (Illumina Spot)
- Celebi
- Deerling
- Drampa
- Espeon (Illumina Spot)
- Espurr
- Gardevoir
- Kecleon (Illumina Spot)
- Lotad (Illumina Spot)
- Milotic (Illumina Spot only)
- Ninetales (Illumina Spot)
- Pancham
- Sawsbuck
- Serperior (Illumina Spot)
- Shiftry
- Trevenant (Illumina Spot)
- Unfezant
Blushing Beach Pokémon
![blushing beach](
Part of the Maricopa region, this is one of its three areas you'll be able to explore. Blushing Beach has both a day and night route. Here are the Pokémon available in this region:
- Bellossom (day and night)
- Clamperl (day and night)
- Corsola (day and night)
- Crabrawler (day)
- Drifblim (day)
- Exeggutor (day and night)
- Finneon (night)
- Inkay (night)
- Machamp (day)
- Octillery (day and night)
- Pyukumuku (day and night)
- Raichu (night)
- Sandygast (night)
- Seviper (day)
- Stunfisk (day)
- Wingull (day)
- Zangoose (day)
Maricopa Reef Pokémon
![maricopa reef](
The second area located in the Maricopa region is the Reef, where you'll be able to photograph a wide variety of water-type Pokémon. Here are the Pokémon available in the Maricopa Reef:
- Blastoise (day)
- Lapras (evening)
- Pelipper (day)
- Primarina (evening)
- Manaphy (night)
- Mantine (day and evening)
- Mareanie (day and evening)
- Sharpedo (day)
- Squirtle (day and evening)
- Vaporeon (evening)
- Wailord (day and evening)
Lental Seafloor Pokémon
![lental seafloor](
This is the last location in the Maricopa region to unlock, and takes the player underwater. There is not a day or night course, though there is an Illumina Spot for this area. Here are the Pokémon available in the Lental Seafloor region:
- Alomomola
- Chinchou
- Clawitzer
- Cradily
- Frillish
- Finneon (Illumina Spot only)
- Golisopod
- Lanturn
- Lugia
- Lumineon
- Luvdisc (Illumina Spot)
- Qwilfish
- Starmie
- Tentacruel
- Wailmer (Illumina Spot)
- Wailord (Illumina Spot)
- Wishiwashi (Illumina Spot)
Sweltering Sands Pokémon
![sweltering sands](
Part of the Voluca region, the Sweltering Sands location features both a day and a night course to travel. Here are the Pokémon available in the region:
- Cacnea (day and night)
- Flygon (day and night)
- Heliolisk (day)
- Hippowdon (day and night)
- Kangaskhan (night)
- Lycanroc (day and night)
- Mandibuzz (day and night)
- Minior (night)
- Onix (day and night)
- Pinsir (day)
- Sandshrew (night)
- Silicobra (night)
- Skorupi (day and night)
- Torchic (day)
- Trapinch (day and night)
- Tyranitar (day and night)
- Vivillon (day)
Fireflow Volcano Pokémon
There isn't a day and night course in this area of the Voluca region, but there is an Illumina Spot where you will find some of these Pokémon. Here are the Pokémon available in this region:
- Aerodactyl
- Altaria
- Archeops (Illumina Spot)
- Charmander
- Charizard
- Flareon
- Graveler
- Ho-Oh
- Luxray
- Monferno (Illumina Spot)
- Shinx
- Slugma
- Talonflame
- Torkoal
- Typhlosian
- Tyrantrum
- Volcarona (Illumina Spot)
Shiver Snowfields Pokémon
![shiver snowfields](
Shiver Snowfields is one of two areas to explore on Durice Island. This location has both a day and a night course. Here are the Pokémon available in Shiver Snowfields:
- Abomasnow (night)
- Aurorus (night)
- Avalugg (day and night)
- Beartic (day)
- Braviary (day and night)
- Crabominable (day and night)
- Cubchoo (day)
- Delibird (night)
- Dewgong (night)
- Froslass (day
- Frosmoth (night)
- Furret (day and night)
- Glaceon (day)
- Glalie (day)
- Jynx (night)
- Magikarp (day)
- Mamoswine (day and night)
- Mightyena (night)
- Piplip (day)
- Sandslash (day and night)
- Skarmory (day)
- Snom (day and night)
- Snorunt (day and night)
- Spheal (day and night)
- Suicine (night)
- Swinub (day and night)
- Vanilluxe (night)
- Vivillon (day and night)
- Vulpix (day and night)
- Weavile (day)
Outway Cave Pokémon
![outway cave](
Outway Cave doesn't have a day and night course, but it does have an Illumina Spot. Here are the Pokémon available in this region, the second area in Durice Island:
- Carbink (Illumina Spot)
- Clefairy
- Croagunk
- Crobat (Illumina Spot)
- Diancie
- Drifloon
- Gengar
- Geodude
- Goodra
- Hydreigon
- Jolteon
- Joltik (Illumina Spot)
- Mawile
- Noibat (Illumina Spot)
- Pumpkaboo
- Rampardos
- Sableye (Illumina Spot)
- Steelix (Illumina Spot only)
Ruins of Remembrance Pokémon
The Ruins of Remembrance are the last area to explore and the only area in the Aurus region. There aren't separate day and night courses in this one, but the Illumina Spot holds the game's final boss. Here are the Pokémon available in this region:
- Absol
- Beheeyem
- Chandelure
- Eldegoss
- Golurk
- Houndoom
- Jurachi
- Natu
- Noivern
- Salandit
- Sigilyph
- Umbreon
- Woobat
- Xerneas (Illumina Spot)