How to Buy Unclaimed Amazon Packages and Get in on the Newest TikTok Craze

Updated March 22 2021, 11:35 a.m. ET

There's something magical about an Amazon package sitting on your front porch; it instantly brightens your day. But what if you could replicate that feeling times 100 — and with the added excitement of the contents of those boxes being a complete mystery? Enter: people who purchased unclaimed Amazon packages in bulk, and then recorded themselves unboxing them.
If you've swiped through TikTok for any amount of time in recent weeks, then you've almost certainly stumbled upon this newest craze on the social media platform. But how can you get in on the action? Let's take a closer look at the trend itself, along with how you can buy unclaimed packages yourself.

TikTok videos of people opening unclaimed Amazon packages are oddly addicting.
Those who have kids — or a younger niece/nephew/cousin/etc. — have likely been baffled at the trance effect those toy unboxing videos have on children. Well, this is basically the adult version of that. And now it totally makes sense.
If you've ever wondered what happens to unclaimed/undeliverable mail, evidently it's auctioned off to the highest bidder. Small businesses and vendors snatch up some of these packages and then turn around to sell them as "mystery boxes."
A TikTok user named Stephanie, who goes by @caloriequeen14, bought 100 lost packages for $1 each at her local swap meet in Las Vegas — and she's been opening them for her followers. Some of Stephanie's videos have managed to attract millions of likes.
In her unboxing videos, the unclaimed packages have contained anything from gift cards to places like Starbucks, Target, and Applebee's, to jewelry, watches, and completely random items — such as dog butt magnets. People seriously cannot get enough.
One TikTok user commented, "I am actually addicted to these videos," alongside a laugh-crying emoji.
Yet another TikTok user chimed in with, "Should I be asleep at 1am? Yes, did I binge watch all 19 parts of this instead? Yes."
Other TikTok users have taken advantage of the trend, too. CelinaSpookyBoo — who is also known as the "TikTok sleepwalking lady" — recently purchased an entire pallet of undeliverable Amazon packages. And you can bet she's been showing off her haul to followers via unboxing videos.
How do you buy unclaimed Amazon packages?
This brings us to the question that's been on pretty much everyone's mind: How do you buy unclaimed packages — Amazon or otherwise?
Many TikTokers, like Stephanie, have found success at local swap meets, where they're able to buy unclaimed packages in bulk. Unfortunately, the one Stephanie went to in Las Vegas doesn't sell the $1 mystery packages online. (However some of them do.)
You can also try looking on GovDeals, where mail that's deemed valuable but undeliverable is auctioned off, according to the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). WiBargain sells boxes of liquidated goods from retailers such as Target and Amazon, too. You might also try your luck at
Happy unboxing, folks! (And please let us know what goodies you uncover!)