Yes, You Can Catch Gloom in 'Pokémon GO' Despite Its Low Spawn Rate

Published April 25 2022, 2:31 p.m. ET
Catching every Pokémon available in Pokémon GO is quite a feat, but there are some dedicated trainers who are determined to catch as many as they can. Though, it also helps that the popular Niantic game has a few challenges up its sleeve to encourage players to hunt for Pokémon they may not have had much luck finding.
Players have recently been struggling to find a Gloom in 'Pokémon GO' — so how do you catch Gloom in the game?
How to get Gloom to spawn in 'Pokémon GO.'
Unfortunately, Gloom is one of the more difficult Pokémon to spawn in the mobile AR game. If you have yet to encounter one on your own, you'll want to use a Mossy Lure Module near a Pokéstop. While this doesn't necessarily guarantee that you will have the option to catch one, this is the only way to greatly increase your chances.
This method also works for catching a Weepinbell, which is another Grass-type Pokémon that players have had a hard time getting their hands on.

The Sustainability Week Event Box in 'Pokémon GO'
How to get a Mossy Lure Module in 'Pokémon GO.'
If you're trying to find a Weepinbell or Gloom during the game's Sustainability Week event, then you can actually collect the Mossy Lure Module for free. To do this, open the in-game shop and select the green event box underneath the "Free" banner. This box will contain a Mossy Lure Module to help you complete the week's tasks.
If you're trying to obtain one after the Sustainability Week, then you'll have to spend some PokéCoins to redeem it. Again, open the in-game shop, and scroll down until you see the lures. The Mossy Lure Module can be purchased for only 200 coins. If you don't have enough coins, you can either read our guide on how to get more coins or spend real money to quickly purchase more.
To activate the Lure Module, all you have to do is go to the closest Pokéstop and selecting the Lure button that appears above the stop's spinning icon. Once you activate any Lure, it'll last for 30 minutes, bringing more of that type of Pokémon to the stop.
The Mossy Lure Module traditionally increases the spawn rate for Oddish, Bellsprout, Venonat, Tangela, Eevee, Sudowoodo, Hoppip, Yanma, Roselia, and Cherubi, though the Sustainability Week event also attracted Bellossom, Cherubi, Chikorita, Diglett, Gloom, Grotle, Nincada, Sewaddle, Sunkern, and Weepinbell with the lure.
Not everyone in the game has reported being able to find a Gloom or Weepinbell, even with the Mossy Lure Modules — so it may take more than one try.