It'll Take More Than One Trainer to Capture Xerneas in 'Pokémon GO'

Updated May 4 2021, 7:41 p.m. ET

With the release of New Pokémon Snap on Nintendo Switch, some of the Legendary Pokémon from the game are making their way to Pokémon GO. As part of a promotional event for the new title, Pokémon GO players will have the opportunity to capture Legendary Pokémon Xerneas during some of the upcoming raids — but only for a limited time.
But how exactly can you catch Xerneas in Pokémon GO? Adding this one to your team will be much harder than you'd think.
What is Xerneas? Details on this Pokémon.
Die-hard fans will recognize Xerneas from Pokémon X and Pokémon Y, putting it in the sixth generation of Pokémon. As a Legendary Pokémon, it can only be captured once in the game, making it a rare one for all players to strive to capture.
In Pokémon GO, only players qualified to participate in five-star raids have a chance at capturing this Pokémon. If you haven't leveled up that far yet, it's time to get playing!

Xerneas and Yveltal in 'Pokémon GO'
Unfortunately, there will not be a Shiny Xerneas available in Pokémon GO for the time being, though it's possible the developers will add that in the future, depending on how well Xerneas' event performs in the game. If you're looking to add the Legendary Pokémon to your collection, now is the time to grab it.
Here's how to catch Xerneas in 'Pokémon GO.'
Xerneas will only be available in Pokémon GO from May 4 to May 18, meaning there's only a small window of time where you can catch this Legendary Pokémon. This is just one of the Legendaries that will be available in the game during its Luminous Legend X event, and if you're hoping to capture Yveltal, then you'll want to have Xerneas on your team to make that battle much easier.
Xerneas is the first Fairy-type Legendary Pokémon, making is susceptible to Poison and Steel Pokémon and attacks. Any Pokémon you have on your roster that are these types or have powerful moves in those categories are good to stack your team with going into this battle.
Some of the strongest Pokémon to compete against Xerneas are Mega Gengar, Metagross, Mega Beedrill, Vileplume, Heatran, Lucario, Empoleon, Mega Venusaur, Roserade, and Genesect.
Mega Gengar, Mega Beedrill, Mega Venusaur, Roserade, and Vileplume are all Poison-type heavy Pokémon, meaning their attacks will stand a chance at dealing some real damage to Xerneas. Metagross, Lucario, Heatran, Empoleon, and Excadrill are all Steel-type leaning Pokémon, also giving them the upper hand here.
While battling Xerneas, it's best to avoid Dragon, Fighting, Bug, and Dark-type Pokémon, as they deal less damage than all others due to Xerneas' resistance.
Because Xerneas is also a strong Pokémon, it's best to go into battle with a few friends by your side to better your chances of capturing it. Three to four players is the optimal number, though your compatriots' skill levels will also be of importance here.
Be sure to try your hand at catching Xerneas while you have the chance during the Luminous Legends X event.