Here's How to Do the Cool "Eye Trend" on TikTok: Lights, Camera, Blink!

"No.1 Party Anthem" will start to play, and it's go time for your peepers.


Published March 20 2025, 9:23 a.m. ET

TikTok trends are like the language of a generation. Every generation has their own particular trends, and every generation's trends represent something unique about that group of people.

But some trends transcend age and enter the realm of "humans who just enjoy doing fun things together."

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Such is the case for the TikTok trend known as the "eye trend." It involves getting very close to the camera and exploring the depth of human emotion as it's portrayed by the eyes. But how do you do it? Here's what we know about how to do the "eye trend" on TikTok.

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Here's how to do the "eye trend" on TikTok.

Luckily, the steps to complete the "eye trend" are fairly straightforward and the directions are easy to follow.

First, click on the effect aptly called "eye trend."

It should bring up a screen that shows four divided windows. The song, "No. 1 Party Anthem" by Arctic Monkeys will play, and it will prompt you to provide text for each of the windows on the screen.

Most people choose text such as "happy eyes," "sad eyes," "surprised eyes," "relaxed eyes," "angry eyes" or similar emotions that are displayed by the eyes.

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Once you have decided which four emotions you want to convey with your eyes, follow the filter's instructions to record each emotion per window.

And you have a pretty well put-together trend video that shows off your pretty peepers and all their emotional glory.

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There are a ton of other eye-related trends to try out on TikTok so grab your camera and give them a try.

If this isn't your type of trend, never fear. There are plenty of other eye-related options that you can get in on.

Some of them, like the water droplet trend, we can't exactly recommend. But they're out there for those who want to give them a try.

One of the eye trends, known as "eye challenge," involves transitioning your normal-looking eye into one that doesn't display any color.

Typically, you cover one eye, blink your uncovered eye, and then cut away to reveal an eye that displays only the whites. It's a little freaky and a little tricky, so it might take some practice.

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But then again, there's the water droplet trend. And again, we can't recommend this one because of the potential damage to your electronics. However, plenty of people have done it without damaging their equipment, so it must be possible.

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For this trend, you place your phone on a flat surface with the back camera facing up. You place a few drops of water on the camera and then lean over to zoom in closely on your eye.

The water creates a lensing effect that allows for some crystal clear peeks at your peepers.

It's a pretty cool scientific trick, but again, please be careful of your electronics and water.

However, if you aren't feeling any of these, we recommend hopping onto TikTok and searching "eye trend" or "eye challenge" to see what floats your boat.

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