Farming Rupees Goes a Long Way to Stay Well-Equipped in 'TotK'

Published May 15 2023, 5:37 p.m. ET

Rupees are one of the primary resources across The Legend of Zelda franchise that players can spend to earn equipment and items for the adventurous Link.
Throughout Link's daring ventures, rupees allowed players to refill a well-used bottle with beneficial properties or acquire a nifty item to surpass an obstacle. In Tears of the Kingdom, these multi-colored gems are vital to stack up on arrows, materials, elixirs, and more to brave the challenges ahead.
Learning how to farm rupees can be crucial to surpass the most daunting challenges. Below we'll break down some methods you can follow to farm rupees effectively in Tears of the Kingdom.

How to farm rupees in 'TotK.'
Farming is common in open-world games designed around shop systems, upgrades, and RPG mechanics. Though, Tears of the Kingdom is a title that won't pressure you to gather swaths of money. It's more concerned about how you overcome challenges and use your brain for creative solutions.
But for some players, continually gathering rupees to stay well-equipped and ahead of the difficulty curb is a viable tactic to complete everything the game offers.
The best way to farm rupees in Tears of the Kingdom involves selling gems, cooked meals, and other items. Naturally, you'll accumulate these sellable items through exploring and prepping for challenges, but you could scour specific areas to plan your profits better.
One such area is the Snowfield Stable in the Tabantha Tundra region on the eastern part of the Hebra Mountains.
Per IGN, players can find Tabantha Moose, Cold-footed Wolves, and Grizzlemaw Bears to hunt for their meat. Gather at least five Gourmet Meat to cook a Meat Skewer in a cooking pot, which sells for 315 rupees a pop. Rinse and repeat the process to earn thousands of rupees easily.

Another option is to find gems within the mountainous areas around Hyrule. Around them are usually caves and underground tunnels to discover, and they could be home to several shiny dark ore deposits. Strike those rocks to locate stashes of sellable gems to wrack in hundreds of rupees.
Keep an eye out for Blupees and Star Fragments while farming for rupees.
Debuted in Breath of the Wild, a Blupee is once again an easy source to acquire a good bit of cash in the sequel. Simply shoot them with your arrows once within range, but be careful how you approach them since Blupees get scared easily and run away.
And while farming, shoot off dragon parts and collect random star fragments whenever possible to acquire more dough in the long run. Also, it doesn't hurt to turn over a rock or two if you're really hurting for rupees.

Ultimately, hunting and selling items discovered can make you rich fast in Tears of the Kingdom, so we recommend exploring to get the most out of rupee farming.
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is now exclusively available on Nintendo Switch.