Here's How You Can Easily Fast-Forward Through a TikTok Video

Updated Feb. 18 2021, 5:02 p.m. ET

We can definitely speak for many (if anything, everyone) when we say that TikTok is a blessing. It made 2020 so much more tolerable when we were all stuck inside, and now it's just become a pioneer in entertainment for the world. The app has truly brought joy to lots and lots of people's lives. Dare we say it's almost perfect.
But there are just a few things about TikTok that prevent it from being the best of the best. One of them being that there's no way to rewind or fast-forward through a video. Obviously it's not the biggest of deals, but sometimes you want to look back at a certain clip in a TikTok and you don't want to have to rewatch the whole thing just to see it. And right now, that's the case. Or... is it? We've got some answers to your problems and can show you how to fast-forward on TikTok.

Here's how to fast-forward on TikTok.
When the app first launched in 2017, it didn't encompass features like rewind or fast-forward. You would think that because it is a platform where videos are posted, that it would automatically be able to do actions like these. But now that users have expressed their want to be able to easily move through a video, they have looked into adding the capability.
It hasn't become an official add-on to the app just yet, but apparently, some people have the ability to skip ahead into a TikTok video or go back to a certain clip without having to watch it over from beginning to end. This tutorial on YouTube was just released at the start of February 2021 and it looks like they have the feature that every TikTok user is dying to have.
TikTok has not officially announced the new component to the app, so don't feel like you're missing out! If anything, you can still fast-forward through videos without the alleged new feature. It does take a little more energy and requires work outside of the actual TikTok app but it's super quick!
All you have to do is save the TikTok you want to skip through. You can do this by holding down the video and the option "Save Video" will come up. Then, you head to your camera roll, where you'll find said video and from there, you can toggle through which parts you want to see. It literally takes just a few seconds to do.
If you're worrying about videos piling up and taking space, you can just delete them as soon as you're done doing whatever you need to do. But no more wasting time and watching a TikTok five times just to catch a moment you wanted to see again! You hear that? That's the sound of your life getting much easier from here on out.
How do you rewind a video on TikTok?
You can do the same thing by just saving the video and doing it through your camera roll! Or, you can also "Share" the video on Snapchat and use their features to skip through the video. We're hoping that in 2021, TikTok will have these features available for everyone.