Here's How to Get the Goat Horn in 'Minecraft'

Published June 27 2022, 6:21 p.m. ET
The Wild update has finally hit Minecraft, and with it comes a whole host of new content for even the most seasoned players. In addition to certain things, like the Deep Dark biome and frogs, there are other smaller items added to the game that have players excited — like the goat horn.
While this item was previously announced for the 1.18 update, it wasn't added until the 1.19 update. But how do you get one?
There are eight different kinds of goat horns in 'Minecraft.'
Goat horns can be used for a variety of purposes in Minecraft, and there are eight different variants you can obtain, depending on what kind of goat you get the horn from.
A regular goat may drop the ponder, sing, seek, or feel horn, while screaming goats will drop the admire, call, yearn, or dream/resist horn. The dream horn is exclusive to the Java edition, while the resist is only found in Bedrock.
Each of these goat horns has a different sound to it, which the player can hear when they use it. There's a six-second lapse between calls where the user cannot use the horn again. It does not seem as though sounding the horn does anything in particular in the game, though it's possible it will trigger a reaction in a future update.
The sound can be heard up to 256 blocks away, or however far your render distance is if that's lower.
How to get a goat horn in 'Minecraft.'
To get a goat horn you have to first find a goat. They usually spawn alone or in small groups in mountainous areas of the map. Each goat can drop up to two horns, though it may take more than one try to get two from a single goat. That being said, each goat will only drop one type of horn, meaning a goat that drops a seek horn will only drop another seek horn and will not drop another type.
A goat will only drop its horns when it rams into a block, meaning you'll first have to entice it.
To get a goat to charge, you'll have to stand in front of it. You'll want to do this in front of a tree, coal ore, copper ore, emerald ore, iron ore, packed ice, or stone, as these are the only blocks that will get a goat to drop one of its horns. The goat will then charge at you. You'll want to move out of the way so that it runs into the block behind you.
Again, this may take a few tries, and if you don't move out of the goat's way it will attack you instead, causing damage.
Unfortunately, killing a goat will not yield you a horn. The only thing a goat will drop when slain is experience points, meaning you'll have to get it to ram into a solid block if you want one of the goat horns.
At this time, there is not a known way to determine which kind of horn the goat will drop before it drops it, beyond the known differences between the screaming goats and the regular goats.