Get Good: Here's How to Get Better at 'Fortnite' and Overcome the Newbie Blues

Updated April 19 2021, 3:40 p.m. ET

Every gamer at some point in their online playing career has suffered the ignominy of being absolutely destroyed in a match. No matter how many times you respawn and think you're going to get an offensive going, you end up getting gunned down, run over, stabbed, beaten, and you watch your avatar crumple to the ground as you stare in disbelief at how out of your depth you are.
This happens a lot, especially in established titles like Fortnite. Want to know how to get better at the game? Here are some tips.
How to get better at 'Fortnite': Here are some different methods you may want to try.
There are no shortcuts to getting better at something, especially in a title with a steep learning curve for excellence like Fortnite. Sure the game is easy enough to just pick up and play at your leisure, but to become a map-crushing angel of para-gliding, fortification-constructing destruction is another animal entirely.

1. Change the medium.
Fortnite is available on a variety of different platforms — you can play the game on a mobile device, on a computer, or on a console. Depending on your "feel" for these different platforms, one device might fit your play style better. So let's say you've been playing the game on a PC a heck of a lot, but there's something about a mouse / keyboard combo that just isn't doing it for you. Try switching over to a tablet or smartphone, or play the game on a console with a controller.
2. Wait.
You don't have to jump out of the "flying bus" at the start of every 100-person Battle Royale match right from the get-go. Sure, you're itching to be the first one to the punch, err, map in this instance, but that's not necessarily the best strategy. Waiting until the very last moment to get out of the bus means that you're probably going to land on the ground with fewer people around you to kill your unsuspecting character.
Instead, use this valuable "alone time" to practice moving around, firing your weapons, and gathering items / building important fortifications. Slow and steady can win the race in this instance.
3. Analyze.
After you get killed, don't just jump right back into the fray right away. Look at replays as to how you were killed. This is crucial to improving on your weaknesses and discovering what's allowing other players to get the drop on you.
This will help you keep in mind any poor gameplay habits that you can then strive to avoid on the next respawn that will ultimately make you a better player. Maybe even keep a running list of poor habits and ways that you get killed and work on that specific thing in your next game.
4. Listen.
The ability to hear in the game is a huge boon to players. You'll be able to hear whenever there's someone around, especially if they're engaging in a fight with someone else.
So if you hear some commotion going on, gravitate closer to the noises or know where they came from. Chances are you can either snipe someone from a distance or go in and spoil the party. It could help you get some more kills and avoid being picked off yourself.
5. Don't be so sensitive.
When it comes to your controls, at least. If you're having difficulty aiming, there are some built-in options for that.
These are sensitivity controls. If you're having trouble locking in on a character for a headshot or feel like when you move your cursor to go and shoot someone you're always over-estimating the target, you can lower your sensitivity controls. Ninja himself has reportedly talked about this in a Twitch stream and it could be a very easy way to ensure you're able to add accuracy to your game in a relatively short amount of time.
6. Practice.
Yes, it's a dirty word that not a lot of people want to hear, but the more games that you play and the more you're shoring up your weaknesses, the better you're going to be. You could use 50 vs. 50 games and unranked matches to work out the "kinks" in your game.
7. Medkits.
Just use it whenever your health is low. You may not think that 85 or 90 health is fine, but that small point difference could be the difference between surviving a firefight and being on someone else's kill count.
8. Know when to back off.
If you don't have a strategy for going into a fight with someone, it could be best to just not engage with them. Get out of there, regroup, and plan some type of attack. Maybe use fortifications? Maybe try and find some cover or get them to an area of the map you feel more comfortable fighting in.