There Are a Lot of Secret Trophies to Unlock Before the Platinum One in 'God of War: Rangarok'

Published Nov. 10 2022, 5:50 p.m. ET

Now that God of War: Ragnarok is finally out, players are already rushing through the game to get the answers to the questions they've been asking since the last game ended. Will Kratos die? Is Atreus actually Loki?
But like all good PlayStation exclusive games, in addition to the storyline, there are plenty of other secrets and treasures to uncover in the title, and a whole host of trophies to unlock. But how do you get the Platinum Trophy for God of War: Ragnarok? Here are the requirements.
Are there any missable trophies in 'God of War: Ragnarok'?
Thankfully, there aren't any missable trophies in God of War: Ragnarok, meaning you should be able to earn the Platinum Trophy in a single play through of the game. Any of the trophies you don't achieve before beating the game's final boss can be obtained afterward, as all of the areas that contain a trophy are open to revisit following the end credits.

You also do not have to complete the game on a certain difficulty to achieve all of the trophies, meaning you can breeze through it at whatever difficulty you'd like. While the number of hours it'll take you to complete the game will depend largely on what difficulty you play it on, it should take anywhere from 30 to 60 hours to play through.
How to get the Platinum Trophy — all of the secret trophies in 'Ragnarok.'
To get the Platinum Trophy in any PlayStation game, you'll first need to earn all of the other trophies available — including the secret ones. Thankfully, most of the secret ones in God of War: Ragnarok are awarded as you complete the main storyline, so you won't have many that you'll have to go back and uncover to get the Platinum Trophy.
Here's a breakdown of all of the secret trophies that you'll need to get (note: trophies marked with * cannot be missed and are part of the main story).

Trophy | How to get |
The Florist (bronze) | Collect a flower from all nine realms. |
A Grizzly Encounter (bronze)* | Battle the bear — this is the first boss you'll encounter in the game. |
Blood Debt (bronze)* | Battle and defeat Thor. |
Backyard Brawl (bronze)* | Battle and defeat the Mysterious Valkyrie. |
Root of the Problem (bronze)* | Battle and defeat Nidhogg. |
The Cauldron (bronze)* | Destroy Grýla's cauldron. |
Comeuppance (bronze)* | Battle Heimdall. |
Off the Leash (bronze)* | Battle Garm. |
Better Together (bronze)* | Battle Hrist and Mist. |
Funeral for a Friend (silver) | Attend the funeral in the “A Viking Funeral” side quest. |
Rebel Leader (bronze) | Return the Hammer of the Rebellion at the request of Durlin. |
New Friends (bronze) | Fetch Lúnda's orb as part of the side quest “The Mysterious Orb." |
Full Gufa (silver) | Free the Hafgufas. |
Making Amends (silver) | Free the Lyngbakr as part of the “Weight of Chains” favor. |

It Was a Good Day (silver) | Complete the “Freya’s Missing Peace” side quest. |
Invasive Species (silver) | Complete all of the Crater Hunts. |
Besties (silver) | Interact with your wolves Speki and Svanna after completing the "Animal Instincts" side quest. |
Rightful Place (silver) | Return all the Lindwyrms to Ratatoskr as part of the "Lost Lindwyrms” side quest. |
Pure of Hart (silver) | Return the Stags of the Four Seasons as part of the “Stag For All Seasons" side quest. |
Trials by Fire (silver) | Complete the Trials of Muspelheim. |
Ragnarök (gold)* | Battle and defeat Odin. |
Grave Mistake (gold) | Battle King Hrólf after defeating the enemies of the Berserker Gravestones. |
The True Queen (gold) | Battle Gna the Valkyrie in the post-game. |
All of the other trophies in God of War: Rangarok can be viewed in the trophies list on your PlayStation console.
God of War: Ragnarok is now available exclusively for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.