You Can Catch Almost Every Legendary Pokémon in 'Pokémon GO'

Published July 11 2022, 7:55 p.m. ET
Trainers have been working to catch every Pokémon in the PokéDex for years — and even though Pokémon GO was released in 2016, so many trainers are still striving to add the toughest characters to their team.
Thankfully, the developers have added multiple opportunities to catch Legendary Pokémon in the game, but it'll still be a battle for many to get these powerful players. Here's how to catch Legendary Pokémon in Pokémon GO.
How to get Legendary Pokémon in 'Pokémon GO.'
One of the greatest things about Pokémon GO is the constant rotation of Pokémon available in the game — and most of the Legendary and Mythical ones have been featured as part of at least one limited-time event.
When a Legendary Pokémon comes to Pokémon GO, it's usually only offered as part of five-star raids. The Pokémon offered during these raids rotates on a monthly basis, so you'll want to check to see which Pokémon are currently available in the raids.
Pokémon like Mewtwo, Zapdos, Articuno, Lugia, Registeel, and so many others have been brought to the game as part of these raids, making catching an entire team of Legendary Pokémon possible in the game.
Unfortunately, though, not every trainer will be able to simply catch these Pokémon. To even gain access to these raids, you'll need to be at least a Level 5 trainer, but just because you have the right level doesn't mean you can easily take on the raid.
Tips for your first five-star raid with a Legendary Pokémon.
Chances are you won't be able to go into a five-star or mega raid solo. One-star raids can easily be handled by an experienced trainer, and even some three-star raids are manageable solo if you match your types up well. However, five-star raids often pit you against Pokémon that have a CP in the five-digit range. Unless you have a team stacked with other Legendaries, you're likely not going to be able to take on a five-star raid alone.
This means you'll want to go into these raids with at least a couple of friends. You can invite players to join you with Remote Raid Passes, or you can gather in-person with your friends to take on a particularly powerful five-star raid.
The only way to be given an opportunity to catch these Pokémon is to beat it in the raid — and even then, these Pokémon have an incredibly low catch rate, which decreases your chances of being able to take one home.
If you perform especially well during these raids, it will grant you a certain amount of Premiere Balls. The more Premiere Balls you have, the more chances you have to catch the Legendary Pokémon.
Since you only have a limited number of throws, this also means you'll want to try to land curveballs or excellent throws, which will increase your chances of catching the Pokémon.
Really, the key to catching a Legendary Pokémon in Pokémon GO is persistence and patience.