Getting a Rare Username on TikTok Doesn't Actually Require a Lot of Work

Published March 31 2021, 5:15 p.m. ET

The name of the game on social media is to create your own content while showcasing your creative flair for the world to see. And whether you’re trying to step into the world of social media influencer fame, or simply share advice on a number of things with your audience, curating the right kind of content is key to success. Not to mention, setting the tone of your account with the right username matters.
While Instagram, Twitter, and other social apps allow you to select your own username — provided that it's not taken by another user — TikTok allows you to see things a bit differently. So, if you’re interested in stepping outside of the box and getting a rare username, it’s time to pay attention. Keep reading to learn how to score the unique username you desire.
So, how do you get a rare username on TikTok?
While you may think that there is a specific science to getting a rare username, it’s really not that deep. Sure, some people tend to think alike, and you may have a similar username to another user, but that doesn't mean earning a unique username is hard.

Of course, there are policies on TikTok just like other social platforms that forbid using specific usernames that can be deemed harmful to the community. But you can totally jazz things up on the username front with an easy trick. It's all about checking to see if your desired username is available.
See, according to Tech Whisperer, the key to seeing what name you can work with is all about conducting a simple search. That said, simply kick things off by typing in the URL in the search bar on your desired search engine.
After the @, just type in the desired username. If it’s available, the page will load as a not-found title. On the flip side, if it is indeed unavailable, a profile will load. It's really that simple.
And since there are billions of handles you can use that won't step into the territory of other names on the app, the sky’s the limit.
Keep in mind, you can change your username at any time.
One of the fabulous perks that comes with using TikTok is the ability to change your username whenever you see fit. That’s right! So instead of having to think of something pretty cool on the first go, the app gives you the option of changing things up whenever you like.
This comes in major clutch, especially if you’re a Snapchat user. While everyone loves that the app comes with specific bonuses, changing your username is not a part of the deal.
So, if there did come a time where you wanted to change things on Snapchat, you'd have to create another account.
With that in mind, this move of getting a rare username on TikTok gives users another reason to flock to the app. No one likes to be bound to different names, especially when it comes to content creation, and the app makes it oh-so-easy to navigate.