Can You Actually Build a Working Time Machine in 'Minecraft'?
Updated June 23 2020, 9:18 p.m. ET

You can build a wide variety of things in Minecraft: replicas of your favorite fictional kingdoms, Redstone-powered doors, "security systems", and even replicas of Pokémon games. But what if you could use Minecraft to turn back time? Is there really a way to make your own working time machine in Minecraft? As it turns out, this is a question many players have been asking over the years, and we're here to set the record straight on what you can do in terms of creating time machines.
We've investigated the logistics of such an item in Minecraft and have come up with a conclusion regarding time machines in-game. Finally, you can stop wondering about their status and start educating other players with the information we're going to equip you with. You might want to temper your expectations, however, because this may not be the news you were expecting initially.

How to build a time machine in 'Minecraft'
While there are many online "tutorials" and videos that claim to show you how to make time machines in Minecraft, we regret to inform you that you can't actually do this. Unfortunately, this is a hoax that's been floating around on the internet for some time now, largely perpetuated by younger players. It's certainly a fun idea to think about, but ultimately, it's not feasible or possible to do in any version of the game — potentially barring any mods someone could create in the future.
So if you do a quick search and see folks talking about how they've created boxes with fancy images and using console commands to "set time for 20000" or other nonsense like that, it's just hogwash. You can't travel in time in Minecraft, and it doesn't appear that there are currently plans to make it happen, either. But that's not to say there isn't still plenty to have fun with in-game. There's still all kinds of stuff to partake in.
The new Minecraft Nether Update comes packing all sorts of new content to keep up with, with a new resource: Netherite. It's even stronger than diamond. There's also a set of new times, enemies, creatures, and much more to explore. Best of all, it's absolutely free. With all the additions from this latest content update, you should have plenty of reason to continue exploring in-game, even if you can't time travel. Why would you need to with all of these cool new things?
It's definitely unfortunate that you can't build a time machine in Minecraft, that's for sure — but hopefully in the future that could change. You never know what's coming to the game next, so maybe with a little patience we'll see all kinds of cool creations come to the game. Just be patient and keep building awesome stuff, because that's ultimately going to be the best way to get everything you can out of this sandbox title. But you never know what Mojang Studios has in store, either.