Here’s How to Take That Personality Test With Over 5,000 Characters That’s All Over TikTok

Published Jan. 14 2022, 9:35 p.m. ET
There's a new online assessment circulating around the internet that you're going to want to get in on. In fact, you may have already seen your friends share their results from it on TikTok or other social media platforms (and no, we're not talking about Wordle).
The questionnaire in question is much more interactive and is an absolute must for pop culture enthusiasts... or really anyone with a personality who has also watched a TV show or movie with characters in it at least once in their lifetime.
That being said, enter the 5,000-character personality test! Keep scrolling to learn how to take it!

What is the personality test with over 5,000 characters that everyone is talking about on TikTok?
The 5,000 Character Test is a free 23-question interactive personality test created by It was designed to match test-takers with similar fictional characters based on their answers.
How similar are we talking about? Well, Charactour has a huge database with over 5,550 characters. So, when people take the test, their answers will be compared with the personality and mannerisms of each and every one of these characters.
Each character will be given a percentage of how much they are like the test taker. Then it shows the test taker which characters they are most like.
Here's how to take the 5,000-character personality test.
To take the 5,000-character test, go to Then, go! Shoot. Answer those questions like the boss you are. No studying is required!
Each question will have four answers to choose from. Plus, you'll see some of your favorite characters from pop culture on the left and ride sides.
There will be a sliding scale with a blue dot underneath the answer boxes. Drag the blue dot to beneath the answer box to indicate which of the traits you relate the most with.
For instance, if the question is "I’d describe myself as…," you will have to choose between the following options:
- The girl or guy next door
- Pretty normal with a few quirks
- Somewhat unconventional
- Very quirky; I’m one of a kind
Then to get your results, you must create an account on the website. Unfortunately, there's no way of getting around that one.
In terms of your score, you'll get to see the first 1,300 characters or so that you are most alike based on percentage from high to low. Honestly speaking, there's a good chance that you might not recognize every character on your list, which is totally normal (unless, of course, you've watched every movie and TV show in existence).
The best part? Each character will also have a description to read where you can learn why you matched with them.
Plus, if you had a particular character in mind, there is also a search bar on your results page that you can use to look them up and see how similar you are to them.
Once you're done, feel free to share your results on social media and with your friends. You also take the quiz again at a later date if you so please as is working to expand its database with new characters on the daily.