Looking for 'The Sims 4' Cheats on Your Xbox? Here's How to Unlock Them
Published Sept. 7 2022, 4:32 p.m. ET

If there's one thing that's more fun than playing The Sims 4, it's using cheats in The Sims 4.
The Sims is a game series where players get to control a household and shepherd their Sims from cradle to grave through various careers, relationships, and families. The Sims 4 is the latest addition to the series and keeps up the tradition of using cheats to gain even more control over your Sims' life and environment.
Classic cheats like "rosebud" for money and "FreeRealEstate" for, well, free real estate are all present and accounted for on both PlayStation and Xbox versions of the Sims 4. Here's how access those cheats and many more for The Sims 4 on Xbox One.

How to use cheats for 'The Sims 4' on Xbox One.
Using cheats for The Sims 4 on Xbox can open the game up in many ways and make it easier and quicker to reach various milestones. However, it should be noted that activating cheats in The Sims 4 will lock you out of earning achievements and trophies for your cheating-activated Sims 4 save.
With that in mind, the first step to activating cheats in The Sims 4 on Xbox One is to hold down all four controller shoulder buttons at ounce. After this is done, the cheat console typing fielding should appear as a thin box at the top of the screen. From here you can start typing in cheat commands. This can also be closed by holding down all four shoulder buttons on the controller again.
Before we get ahead of ourselves though, it's worth noting that some cheats require typing in "testingcheats true" or "testingcheats on" to be toggled on. By the same process, some cheats can be toggled off by typing "testingcheats false" or "testingcheats off".

Noteworthy cheats for 'The Sims 4' on Xbox One
Some noteworthy cheats for The Sims 4 include:
- Get Money: Originally, the money cheats in The Sims required players to type out "motherlode" for 50,00 Simoleons or "rosebud" for 1,000 Simoleons. However, for The Sims 4 on Xbox One, players can make their cheating lives a little easier by simply typing "Money X" with X being the amount of money they wish to cheat their way into.
- Free Real Estate: It's free real estate, and you can enjoy it too by typing "FreeRealEstateOn" into the cheats bar when entering the neighborhood world map to make all homes free. You can also toggle this off by typing "FreeRealEstateOff".
- Spawn in Sims: Easily the fastest way to crash The Sims 4 is to overload the game by spawning in as many basic Sims as possible. This is done by simply typing "sims.spawnsimpleX" with X being the number of basic Sims you're hoping to crash your game with.
- Escape Death: For some players The Sims is all about finding how many ways they can make their Sim die, but other more sentimental players may just want to keep their Sims from shrugging off their mortal coil. To save your Sim from the clutches of Death's embrace simply type "Death.toggle" into the cheats bar to disable death.