Defog Is Useful in 'Pokémon: Brilliant Diamond' and 'Shining Pearl' — Here's How to Use It

Callie (Carlos) Cadorniga - Author

Published Dec. 2 2021, 3:00 p.m. ET

Defog in 'Pokemon Brilliant Diamond' and 'Shining Pearl'
Source: Nintendo

With the releases of Pokémon: Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl, trainers are able to revisit the Sinnoh region in this brand-new remake for the Nintendo Switch. But as you progress further in the game, certain areas can be difficult to navigate unless you have the right Hidden Moves for your Pokémon. When it comes to foggier areas, that's where Defog comes in.

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Pokémon: Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are remakes of the classic Nintendo DS games from 2006. Completely redesigned from the ground up, the new games allow players to relive their Sinnoh adventures in an all-new 3D environment and catch their favorite Pokémon from this neck of the woods. These new titles also see the return of Hidden Machines (HMs) which were absent from newer titles from Gen VII onward. With their return, trainers can use them to call up aid from their Pokémon outside of battle.

pokemon bs sp hidden moves
Source: Nintendo
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How do you use Defog in 'Pokémon: Brilliant Diamond' and 'Shining Pearl'?

HMs can be used to teach Pokémon different moves that can be used in the field instead of solely in battle. There are several new moves you can teach your Pokémon using HMs, but Defog will be an important one in later parts of your adventures. This is a Flying-type move that was first featured in the original Diamond and Pearl games. And it's got plenty of applications.

In battle, Defog can be used to lower the evasion rate of an opponent's Pokémon. It can also clear away certain buffs or obstacles on your opponents' side such as Reflect, Toxic Spikes, and Stealth Rock. Outside of battle, Defog can clear away existing fog in the overworld to make your path more visible and easier to traverse. If a player leaves the area, the fog will be restored. Fog can become a major nuisance in later portions of the game, so Defog will be useful on your Pokémon journey.

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Of course, you'll have to find and obtain the move first. The Defog move is located in Pastoria City. Once you reach this area, visit the Poké Center in town. After paying 500 Pokémon Dollars, you'll be able to enter the Great Marsh Safari Zone. There, you'll meet a green-haired NPC who will offer you the move. You'll then have a stock of Defogs at your disposal.

Source: Nintendo
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You'll be able to teach the move to any Pokémon that is able to perform it. Many Flying-types are able to learn Defog, so that might be a good place to start. After that, it's just a matter of choosing which move for them to forget and you'll have yourself a Pokémon partner primed for Defogging. To use it out of battle, simply access your "Hidden Moves" menu in your Pokétch and select it from the list. Then just sit back while your Pokémon clears the path and makes everything easier to traverse.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are available on the Nintendo Switch.

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