'Hubie Halloween' Has a Ton of Easter Eggs for Adam Sandler Movie Fans

Updated Oct. 8 2020, 6:52 p.m. ET

Spoiler alert: Spoilers for Hubie Halloween ahead!
There's something wonderful about growing up with an entertainer that makes callbacks to the early days of their career. It feels like you're in on a secret, and maybe this is just me romanticizing the idea of "Easter eggs," but it almost seems as if that particular entertainer is giving a little "thank you" to the fans who supported them throughout the years. Whatever your take on Easter eggs are, Adam Sandler and co.'s Hubie Halloween is filled with them.
Adam Sandler starts 'Hubie Halloween' with a 'Happy Gilmore' Easter egg that had viewers rolling.
Ben Stiller is arguably at his best whenever he's playing a total a-hole and his "test pilot" role for Dodgeball's White Goodman was Hal in Happy Gilmore. The sadistic orderly in the old folks' home who offered Happy's grandmother "a warm glass of shut the hell up" was a fan favorite because of how much he relished being a total jerk to defenseless senior citizens, including the always adorable late Frances Bay.
Hubie Halloween opens up in a psychiatric hospital, and guess who's working there? That's right, it's none other than Ben Stiller, reprising his role as Hal. We see him walk into the room of a patient who is seemingly asleep to stir him for his delicious dinner of hot dogs and green jello. In trademark Hal fashion, he threatens to inflict pain on the sleeping person. Hal pulls back the covers to reveal that he isn't talking to a patient at all, but a pile of wieners and jello.

Hal's handlebar mustache is back, although it looks decidedly more bushy than it did in the 1996 golf-themed comedy, but his horrific tendencies to threaten the health and safety of patients have definitely remained intact.
Those aren't the only Easter eggs for Sandler fans either. Remember a most excellent film called Billy Madison? Of course you do, because you're awesome.
Well, then you'll remember the recurring joke of the O'Doyle family mercilessly bullying Billy throughout the entirety of the film until they meet their untimely doom driving over a banana peel while on a family trip and crashing to a fiery death. Every member of the O'Doyle clan also loves to shout their own surname, so much so that it became a catchphrase in the film: "O'Doyle rules!"

While watching Hubie Halloween, keep an ear and eye out for one particularly disgruntled youth who terrorizes the film's titular character. That kid also just happens to be named "O'Doyle." If you listen carefully, you can even hear someone shout "O'Doyle rules!" as the group of bullies speed by on their bicycles.
Maybe all of the O'Doyles didn't die out after all and the surviving members made their way to Salem, Mass.?
The little bonuses don't stop there, either. If you're a huge fan of Sandler's movies, then you'll notice he not only brought recurring actors like Shaquille O'Neal, Kevin James, Steve Buscemi, Jackie Sandler, Rob Schneider, among others in Hubie Halloween, but he also got Steven Brill to direct it, and had Tim Herlihy co-write the flick.

'Hubie Halloween' fans want to buy all of the t-shirts that the mom in the movie wears.
There's something hilarious about an unassuming older woman wearing disgustingly vulgar t-shirts, and Hubie Halloween shamelessly utilizes this trope to a tremendous effect. Wonderful articles like the "Boner Donor" shirt and "I Shaved my Balls for This?" piece, along with "Muff's Diving School," all make an appearance, and they're just lovely.
Let's Play a Drinking Game put up links to all of the shirts, so if you wanted to buy them, check them out here.

Hubie Halloween is streaming on Netflix now, so you can celebrate the most spooktacular month of the year — Sandler style.