"So Disgusting" — Woman Says Husband Shouldn't Have to Choose Between Baby or Wife

Published Sept. 7 2023, 11:11 a.m. ET
Everyone knows that there are a few topics and questions that can easily produce a heated debate — from the state of U.S. politics to immigration issues. That said, it hasn’t stopped people from taking to social media to share their opinions on various matters.
While some folks aren't capable of having a productive conversation without allowing their passion to turn into disrespect, social media makes it easy to air out your feelings and limits who can respond. So, when one woman took to TikTok to share her opinions about a husband choosing to save his baby or wife during birth, she decided to turn off the comments. Here’s the full scoop.

A woman says a husband choosing to save his baby or wife shouldn’t be a question.
Is it really a simple answer? In a July 10, 2023, TikTok video, creator Lav (@livin.lavina.loca) shared a video where she gave her opinion on the popular question about saving a mother or child.
“That and one of the biggest causes in pregnant women deaths is by her male partner,” the video caption reads.
As the video starts, Lav gets right to it.
“I sincerely think the most patriarchal and insidious thing … and it’s so normalized … is that during birth, during delivery, if there’s an issue with the mom or the baby, they will ask the husband who to save,” Lav said.
“The fact that it’s even a question, the fact that it’s even an option … obviously you save the mom,” Lav said. “Why the f--- would you save somebody who’s never even been on earth?”
“The fact that the woman’s autonomy is just taken by her husband at that moment … to choose her life or the life of somebody he doesn’t even know that has his genes is so disgusting,” Lav said.
TikTok users were puzzled as to why Lav turned off her comments on the video.
Now if there was one video that could spark a major debate, Lav’s views on the husband choosing to save his wife or baby would certainly fit the bill. However, Lav decided to turn off her comments and we can only guess it was to prevent any heated discussions.

Interestingly, folks still wanted their opinions to be heard so they commented about Lav’s thoughts on a video with her giving her partner an interesting gift. And to much of a surprise, most folks agreed with Lav’s stance.
“I couldn’t comment on the last video but thank you for speaking out on this! I agree 100 percent with you,” one person said.
“Idk why you disabled your comments in the last video but as a man, I think you ate it up,” another user shared.
"I'm not able to comment on the last vid but I totally agree with everything you said. This is literally a small example of male privilege," another person said.
Naturally, some people had dissenting opinions on the matter.
“Hi, just so you know, HIPAA states that OBGYNs will save the mother primarily always. The mother is their patient, the baby is a pediatric patient, one person shared.
"Just had my OBGYN rotation. The hospital saves the patient which is mom 100 percent of the time," one persons said.
Interestingly, Lav pointed out that folks were thinking about her statements with the U.S. solely in mind. However, she was referring to rules in Poland.
Truth be told, there are instances of what Lav described happening across the globe. The key here is to ensure that it’s a mutual decision between couples, not only on the man himself.
In fact, most couples typically have this discussion so that they are on the same page should anything go wrong.