Husband’s Horrifying Solution to His Sister-In-Law’s Crying Baby Has People in Shock

Updated April 19 2023, 1:34 p.m. ET

It's understandable why people are possessive of their homes, especially in America. Owning a house is becoming less and less of a possibility for folks with rising property taxes and mass buyouts of land. Then there's the fact that property taxes are constantly increasing in many counties all across the country, meaning that even if you do own your home outright, the cost of just keeping what's already yours goes up every year or so.
So it would make sense why some people are extremely protective of the properties and living spaces that they've managed to secure for themselves, seeing as how it's becoming increasingly difficult to do so. Then, when you factor in that more and more Americans are working from home, a person's house is where they're playing out the majority of their lives.
And if a person comes in to disrupt the living area of someone who feels passionately about the "sanctity" of their personal space, then it's not hard to imagine that some problems will arise and they'll go through some desperate measures in order to that balance is restored, so to speak.
But the case of this one husband who took it upon himself to kick his sister-in-law out of his home after she fell on hard times has a lot of folks horrified.
Here's the breakdown from a recent Reddit AITA post, where a wife is asking if she's in the wrong for freaking out over what her husband did to kick her 2-year-old sister and her baby from their home.
OP's sister managed to leave an awful relationship and she had a 5-month-old baby with her.
OP says that her sister was helpful around the house and generally not a nuisance, but during the 2 weeks she was there, her husband complained about the fact that her baby would cry. This is normal because, you know, that's what a baby's primary form of communication is.
She suggested he put in earbuds to drown out the baby's crying if it bothered and stressed him out so much, to which he replied that she should forget the whole matter entirely, which she did.
Soon after, OP attends a funeral one day without her husband as he said he was going to stay home to make sure her sister was OK and that he would help out around the house and with the baby.
When she came home, she found that neither her sister nor the child was at the house.
Her husband said that she decided to leave, handing her a letter he told her was from her sister stating she was going to live with a friend instead. OP found this odd, especially because she started calling her sister's phone several times with no success.
Her husband then procured his sister's phone saying that she left it behind.
Not long after, OP received a call from an unknown number: it was her sister stating that her husband kicked her out of the house, telling her "she needed to take responsibility for her actions." Mortified, OP asked her husband about it and he admitted to faking the letter but that he was so stressed out and he didn't want her or the baby in their house.
He went so far as to say that if she planned on bringing her sister back he was going to change the locks and then told her it was wrong of her to prioritize her sister and their baby over him.
Many folks in the comments section castigated his behavior and told OP to leave him immediately as he wouldn't budge on not allowing her sister back in the house, and basically offering an ultimatum: him or her sister and her nephew.
What do you think of his behavior?