"This Is Inconsiderate": Whenever Husband Orders Food, He Never Asks Wife if She Wants Anything

Allison DeGrushe - Author

Published July 6 2023, 5:19 p.m. ET

If you're looking for a way to cure your boredom, we suggest scrolling endlessly through the wildly popular "AITA" subreddit. Every single day, multiple people take to the mini-forum to explain their real-world conflicts and receive judgment (or support) from fellow Redditors.

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On July 5, 2023, a woman took to the popular subreddit to discuss her husband's behavior. The original poster, who goes by the handle u/No-Parking5391, revealed that when her husband orders food, he doesn't ask her if she wants anything. Read on for more details. Plus, stick around to hear what the internet has to say!

A husband and wife argue.
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A husband orders food without asking his wife if she wants anything.

The woman first provided context, explaining that she and her husband both work from home. She noted that, while working, her husband likes to order food from DoorDash — but he doesn't ask if she wants anything.

"I am working away on my laptop, and food magically appears at [the] door just for him," the OP said. "I have told him before that I think that this is inconsiderate. He doesn't think anything of it. I would never order food to be delivered without asking him. He thinks I am just overreacting."

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As expected, fellow Redditors deemed the OP's husband the wrongdoer: "That is totally inconsiderate. My husband and I would never do that to each other. How selfish of him," one user remarked.

Another expressed, "Not only is this horrible behavior, [but] if OP was going to start ordering her own food, it means [two times] the delivery and tips for every meal. What a waste of money."

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"My 23-year-old son, who buys his own food, still asks if we want anything whenever he orders," a third user said.

A fourth person commented, "My husband and I both work from home on most days. When one of us makes coffee, we ask the other if s/he wants one too. Lunch is a no-brainer, the concept of one of us ordering or cooking without including the other (or asking if the other wants to be included) is non-existent. It's basic courtesy."

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Redditor u/Queasymodo noted that even if he and his wife are "in the middle of an argument" and one of them goes to get something to eat, "the person getting food needs to get enough for both. Usually eating a meal together is the thing that breaks the stalemate in the argument anyhow."

Many suggested that the OP get revenge on her husband by doing the same exact thing.

"Time to fight fire with fire," one Reddit user said. "Start ordering some for yourself from his favorite place to eat, and don't ask him. When it shows up, just throw your shoulders in the air and say, 'What?"

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A second Redditor said something similar, telling the OP to "order your food without getting him anything and see what happens. Then keep doing it, while telling him he's overreacting."

"Give him EXACTLY what he gives you, which is nothing," the person added.

Reddit user u/rembrandtismyhomeboy commented, "NTA. My fiancé sometimes even orders delivery solely for me when I’m home alone because he knows I love sushi and he’s on a work trip or whatever. I’m very lucky to have him. Yours doesn’t even think about you when you’re literally right there. Seriously, think about it.  I wouldn’t do what he did to you to my mom or best friend either. But he does it to the main person in his life, the one he’s sharing his life with and should be in his team. He treats you like an outsider though. Is he this inconsiderate in other areas as well?"
Source: Reddit / u/rembrandtismyhomeboy
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Another proposed that the OP "cook a big juicy steak for dinner with all the trimmings" just for herself. "And sit down to eat it without asking him if he's hungry. Do it as many times as you need until he gets over his self-centeredness."

"Cook his favorite meal and dessert but just for yourself," a fourth Redditor wrote.

Do you think the OP should get revenge? Or should she and her husband have a serious talk? Let us know!

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