Woman's Husband Doesn't Ask for Details When Making Plans for His Parents to Come and Visit

Published Oct. 30 2023, 9:56 p.m. ET
Making plans is hard enough in a world where everyone is busy all of the time, but it becomes exponentially tougher when your partner doesn’t share any details about potential plans. TikToker Nicole Paine (@nicole.paine) shared how her husband told her that his parents would be visiting. But when she asked him for the details, he had no clue.
Nicole wants to know if every husband is like this. She shared her story on TikTok and people were quick to sound off in the comments and make assumptions about why Nicole wants details in the first place. But when it comes down to it, it’s pretty simple. Women have girl dinners; men have boy plans.
A husband doesn’t ask questions about future plans, which is an issue for her.
In her video, Nicole asked, “I need to know if every husband is like this,” as she told the story of her husband’s phone call with his parents. “My husband told me that he talked to his parents yesterday and then they’re coming to visit us and so I said, ‘When?’”
“And my husband said, ‘I think in October,’” which is obviously not very specific. When Nicole asked how long they’re staying, he responded by saying he didn’t ask. “Are they staying with us?” she asked. “No idea,” he responded. Does this guy know anything? Clearly, he doesn't!
“Are you going to take time off work while they’re here?” she asks. Of course, her husband has no answers. “What I know is sometime in the next two or three months, my in-laws will be coming from British Columbia to visit us for some amount of time, so maybe they’ll be here later today,” she jokes. “Nobody knows.”
It’s pretty ridiculous that her husband couldn’t be bothered to ask his parents what their specific plans were for visiting, but it’s even more ridiculous that this seems to be common husband behavior! But what do the people think?
Most people in the comments agree that husbands should ask more questions when making plans.
The comments section is where this video really lights up! The best comment comes from someone who said, “Not every husband is like that. Some of us would forget to tell you that they were coming altogether,” which Nicole laughed at along with us. But it seems like there are more husbands who don’t ask questions than there are organized husbands.
In all fairness, it doesn’t mean they don’t care! It’s just a husband thing to not get into the details. Another woman even commented, “Are we married to the same person?” as a joke because her husband must do the same.
However, there were plenty of other people in the comments criticizing Nicole for needing details about her husband’s parents. They claim that the parents should be able to come and go as they like or that Nicole should call them herself. Honestly, that isn't a fair perspective because people need to know each other’s plans to properly prepare.
It’s also very possible that Nicole will call her in-laws to clarify, but the point she’s making is that husbands just don’t think to ask about any details and think that it’s totally fine. While we can all think it’s kind of cute and dumb of husbands to act this way, one commenter gave us some insight into why some men are like this.
“It’s because husbands have no clue on the preparation that is necessary for such a visit, nor do they care to know.” Another agreed, “It’s on ‘us’ to prepare, entertain, and feed them. Doesn’t require anything from him but ‘visiting’ when he has free time.” It’s very possible that this generational male habit has been passed down by centuries of patriarchal households…or maybe it’s just a little quirk!