Woman Pranks Husband by Putting His “Worst Photo” in Picture Frames on Target Shelf
"imagine someone grabbed one of the frames before you guys got back there and they tried to buy it "

Published March 18 2024, 2:24 p.m. ET

Relationship analysts have stated that one of the trademarks of a long-lasting relationship is the art of "playful teasing" between romantic partners. If folks can roast one another in a light-hearted fashion, then they will more than likely last longer than those who do not.
And it seems like TikTok user Kristy Sarah (@kristy.sarah) has this type of dynamic with her husband — one that she showed off in a harmless prank which had him questioning whether or not Target was making money off of his likeness without his permission.
Sarah's clip went massively viral, raking in millions of views from her 15 million followers (she's a massive social media personality, and was even invited to the 2024 Oscars, so, makes sense).
"Planting my husband's worst photo in Target," Sarah writes in a text overlay of her video, which begins with her recording from the interior of a car while showing off the photo in question.
It's a black-and-white picture of her husband sitting on the ground while gripping someone else's leg. The clip then transitions to her holding up the frame as she walks behind her husband through the Target parking lot. She holds up the photo frame behind him, intimating that she's about to prank him during their shopping trip.

The next picture is of the man standing in front of a clearance rack filled with toys. "Waiting until he's occupied," she writes in an overlay followed by a laughing emoji in the video.
Sarah sets up her phone to record her placing the picture frame with his photo in it among other offerings in the store. It turns out that she printed several photos to place in numerous frames, leading him and anyone else who looked through Target's picture frame aisle to wonder why the chain decided to go with such an oddly specific photography choice.
"Still right where I left him," she writes, cutting back to the man standing in front of the rack of discount toys — he holds a Funko Pop in his hand, which he shows off to her on camera before stating that he's going to buy it.

Then, it looks like Sarah guided him towards the picture frame aisle, where she explains to him that she wants to look for some fixtures for their home to fill in empty spaces throughout the house.
He begins checking out the frames, taking a gander at one several times before it finally dawns on him: Target has pictures of him in frames in the store. You could even see the coals starting to burn in his head as he tries to figure out just how in the world Target management got his photos in the store's frames.
"How'd they get these f---- pictures though?" he asks incredulously, staring at the shelves, scanning for any more frames containing the picture of him wrapping his arms around someone else's leg.

"Wait...I should be getting paid!" he says looking around the store, commenting on how the retailer is selling the frame containing his photograph for $18.
"Who are you calling?" she asks, referencing the fact that he took his phone out of his pocket to dial someone.
"I'm about to call my lawyer," he says, "they done stole our pictures," he says before expressing his disappointment that the retailer's "only" selling the frames and photographs inside of them for $18.
"That's some cheap stuff," he jokes before looking around and comparing it to another frame in the store: "This one's for $50!" he exclaims before walking off with all of the frames tucked in his hand.

Target responded to the viral clip, with a reply that clocked in nearly 88,000 likes which said: "des said cut the check"
Other commenters, like beauty brand LaRochePosayUS, commented on the brilliance of including multiple frames to further drive the reality of the prank home: "The fact that there’s not just one picture, but three"
Another TikToker agreed, writing: "multiple frames is sooo smart lmao"
There were other folks who found it funny how quickly he went from being "shocked" his pictures were in random picture frames at Target to wondering where his paychecks were as he never authorized the store to use his pics.