Husbands “Don’t Care About You” if They Do This While Walking, Divorced Woman Claims
"Some men will make no effort."

Published March 14 2025, 9:48 a.m. ET
If your husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, walks ahead of you while the two of you are out and about, then they probably don't care about you.
That's the claim the TikToker Fahsionably Divorced (@fashionably.divorced) stated was the case in a viral clip she posted to the popular social media platform.
In the video she shared a personal anecdote about her ex-husband's walking habits, and commenters who heard her tale sympathized with her stance, stating that they agreed she was entirely in the right for deciding to call it quits with her ex.
The TikToker begins her video with a recording from her car. She speaks directly into the lens while a text overlay hangs above her head that denotes the thesis for her clip. "Small things husbands do to show their wives they don't care."
She narrates: "Here's another thing that men do to show the women in their lives they don't actually care about them."
"They will walk ahead of you in most cases. This is something my husband did a lot, and when I would ask him to slow down 'cause I would be like nearly running to keep up with him, he would always tell me, 'You walk too slow, walk faster.' One time, very early in our marriage, he actually bought me a pair of shoes that were designed to help people walk faster."
She further discussed her own past experiences with her now ex-husband and his desire that she put more pep in her step whenever they were walking together. "He said, 'Oh, maybe you'll be finally able to keep up with me.' I'm 5'4", he was 5'8" or 5'9", like his legs are longer, his pace is, you know, his stride is longer than mine."

The TikToker adds it was frustrating that her ex "could not understand that." She went on to say, "He just refused to slow down."
Next, she stated that he wouldn't even just do this in specific instances, like in attempts to get through a shopping trip faster or if they were in the airport.
According to her, this type of behavior was par for the course. "And he would do this everywhere. Even if we were in unfamiliar places. One time we were on vacation in Key West and he kept walking ahead of me, and I asked him, like, 'Can you slow down please, can you slow down?' And he wouldn't."

Next, she stated, "I'm not walking, dawdling, but I'm walking and looking around at stuff 'cause I've never been there before. And finally I just let him keep going and I kept walking at my pace and a couple of times I would stop and see if he would look back."
Following this, she stated that he didn't turn around to check and see where she was at or if she was still with him. "Now he kept going. And then I slowed down, slowed down, he kept going and then I finally just crossed the street to see if he would notice."
"And the whole time I'm keeping my eyes on him to see like at what point is he going to notice?"

According to her, it took him around 10 minutes before he finally started looking back to see if she was still with him. "Then he finally spotted me on the other side of the street. I waved to him and then he turned around and kept going."
She used her own example as a warning sign for folks in a relationship that they should take a hard look at their relationship if their significant other engages in this type of behavior. "If they just won't walk with you and no matter what refuse to slow down, they don't care about you."

Several other users who responded to her video also stated they thought this was a relationship no-no. One user on the application wrote that their own father does this with their mom and it's an upsetting sight to behold. "My Dad still does this to my Mom and it upsets her so much. We always thought it’s because he's just a fast walker. I’m 5’10’’ and a fast walker but I slow down when I’m with her so why can’t he?"
Another person also remarked that they thought the sign a person cares about their significant other is if they take the time to ensure that they're walking at the same pace together. "A good man would hold your hand while you’re walking and he walks closest to the street. That’s what a good man does. :) I don’t have a good man, but that’s what a good man would do."
Whereas another person said that they have seen a lot of married couples where men are clearly with women that they don't want to be with. "I've realized a lot over the past year that sadly, most husbands hate their wives. I'd rather be alone than in such a loveless marriage."