'Big Brother's Ian Already Has Tons of Fan Support and He May Go Far This Season

Updated Sept. 3 2020, 1:12 p.m. ET

Because Big Brother houseguests are filmed almost 24 hours per day, there’s little that fans don't see. Factor in all of the edited episodes, and some viewers feel like they know some of the players almost intimately. Like Ian Terry, who has opened up on the show about being on the autism spectrum and has played an excellent game so far in Big Brother 22, otherwise known as All-Stars 2.
One point of conversation when it comes to Ian is his habit of rocking back and forth when he’s seated. He doesn't always do it, but for the instances where he has, some viewers have wondered why. Others have simply called for the Big Brother powers that be to make him more comfortable if that’s what he needs. He’s basically well on his way to being voted America’s Favorite Houseguest and the season isn't even halfway over.

Ian rocking back and forth on 'Big Brother 22' has fans curious.
Often, when Ian is shown in episodes of Big Brother 22, he can be seen gently rocking forward and backward wherever he is sitting. And, on the show at least, none of the houseguests have asked him why. On the live feeds, however, Christmas Abbott wondered if it was because he was nervous. A fan on Twitter pointed out that it’s likely because he is on the autism spectrum and the rocking motion helps him feel at ease.
Those who are on the autism spectrum also find comfort in a stimming, or behavior that involves self-stimulation. While stimming is something essentially anyone does, from drumming their fingers to twirling their hair, it’s more obvious for those on the autism spectrum. And the rocking motion, like Ian has exhibited, is a common way to self-stimulate.
He has opened up about being on the autism spectrum.
Ian previously opened up on Big Brother about being on the autism spectrum. It's unclear if it is a diagnosis he received from a medical professional or if he is self-diagnosed, but he mentioned it to some of the other houseguests and had a talk with Kaysar Ridha about it. He also discussed needing access to the outdoor hammock to help calm himself and feel comfortable before the houseguests were given free rein of the backyard.
There's a petition to get Ian a rocking chair on 'Big Brother.'
Because of Ian’s habit of rocking while he is sitting down either inside or outside of the Big Brother house, fans created a petition for producers to get him a rocking chair. A Change.org petition called 'Big Brother 22 — Get Ian Terry a rocking chair!' has more than 2,500 signatures. The petition points out that Ian explained on the show he got a lot of flack from people for rocking too often on the hammock back in Season 14 of Big Brother, even if it is the place where he feels comfortable.
Other Big Brother fans have taken to Twitter to insist that a rocking chair is one luxury that makes sense for a houseguest to be given access to inside the house. So far, Ian hasn't been given access to a rocking chair, but if he becomes the Head of Household at some point, there’s always the off chance producers will hook him up. Until then, fans will likely continue to show their support for the all-star.
Watch Big Brother on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET on CBS.