'Big Brother's Ian Terry Isn't Having the Easiest Season This Time Around

Updated Sept. 10 2020, 3:10 p.m. ET

Say what you will about getting a dud of a season with the second-ever all-stars season of Big Brother, because houseguests like Ian Terry are proving that things are getting more intense in the house with each passing day. Because while you have contestants like Tyler Crispen threatening to self-evict on the live feeds and others getting into heated arguments, Ian has had to deal with his own personal issues related to the game.
In the Sept. 9, 2020 episode of Big Brother wherein Ian was supposed to play in the Veto competition, he got the medical clear to sit it out and instead rest in the house away from the other houseguests. It was an easy decision for him, but if Ian feels sick like that again, it could have some not-so-great repercussions on his game later in the season.

Ian from 'Big Brother' was too sick to play in a Veto competition.
In the Veto episode, Ian explained that he had been feeling anxious and had been unable to sleep. In a house where the blinding lights stay on all day and evening and people are either talking loudly or shouting at each other, Ian’s inability to get substantial sleep is understandable. In his case, however, it was a little more serious than just being extremely tired.
Ian said that the Big Brother medic didn't clear him to play and one fan tweeted that on the live feeds, Ian was reported to have had elevated blood pressure from a panic attack. Since the Veto competition was physical and not mental, it made sense for Ian to sit it out and get rest in the house, which was, for once, quiet and empty, while the other houseguests remained outside for the Veto competition.
He also said he might try to self-evict from 'Big Brother.'
Overall, despite appearing mostly put together on the outside on the show, Ian hasn't had an easy season so far. He has talked about having a hard time turning on others in the game who he is friends with in real life. And although he has opened up about being on the autism spectrum, it hasn't necessarily helped him work through his struggles related to the game itself.
Because of his difficulties in separating some of his real-life feelings for some of the other houseguests and his game play, Ian considered self-evicting. It didn't become a big part of the edited storylines on the show, but on the live feeds, Ian confided in fellow player Nicole Franzel about taking himself out of the game and leaving altogether.
So far, he hasn't done it, but if the season continues to be difficult for him emotionally, it might be an option he circles back to.
Other 'Big Brother' houseguests have come under fire for mocking the way Ian rocks.
Some fans have noticed Ian rocking on Big Brother, which is a form of "stimming," or self-stimulating that others who are on the autism spectrum might use to soothe themselves in a tense or uncomfortable situation. Ian has been open about his need to rock back and forth or sway on the hammock.
Dani Briones told Nicole on the live feeds that it makes her uncomfortable, and later, Memphis Garrett joked that he would have nightmares about Ian standing over his bed, rocking back and forth.
It was a conversation on the live feeds and has not made its way to television, but plenty of fans have spoken about how insensitive and downright disgusting the group is for making fun of a technique Ian uses to cope in the house.
Hopefully Ian can recognize some of the more off-putting houseguests for what they are and target them himself, if given the chance.
Watch Big Brother on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET on CBS.