"I'm Literally Begging You" — ICU Nurse Warns Against Using Motorized Scooters

Published July 20 2023, 5:22 p.m. ET
We get it. When the weather is nice, you get the itch to go for a ride on your motorized scooter. You may even choose that mode of transportation on an everyday basis due to the ease. We understand.
However, there is a great deal of risk that comes with riding motorized scooters. According to U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), "[f]rom 2017 to 2021, [ER] injuries spiked 127 percent to 77,200 for micromobility devices."
With that in mind, many medical professionals are urging folks to leave motorized scooters alone, including this TikToker. The ICU nurse warns folks against using motorized scooters after having to treat a patient who fell off of one. Here’s the rundown.

A TikTok ICU nurse warns against using motorized scooters out of fear of serious injury and/or death.
Listen to the professionals! In a July 15, 2023, TikTok video, creator Chenedy (@nurse.chen) shared a warning about people using motorized scooters.
“I’m literally begging you,” the video caption reads.
As the video begins, Chenedy explains her position on the matter.
“Please don’t do this. From an ICU nurse,” the text on the video reads.
“If you have never seen me, if you have never listened to a single word I have ever said, please remember this,” Chenedy said. “I’m an ICU nurse and I was working in neural trauma last night. I cannot stress this enough. Do not get on these motorized scooters."
Chenedy continued: “You guys, they're so freaking dangerous. I had a patient a little while ago, who was younger than me … I’m 26 … on a motorized scooter that fell, broke their back, and now they’re paralyzed."
She then talked about another patient's experience.
“I had another patient who was riding a motorized scooter,” Chenedy said. “They fell and had a traumatic brain injury with a midline shift. They had to go to the O.R. to get their skull removed — a craniotomy.”
She then emphasized that it was a hemi-craniotomy, which is less severe, but still eye-opening.
“No bone flap. No bone flap here, just brain,” Chenedy said while pointing to her head. “They can’t talk, can’t walk and all because of a damn motorized scooter. Y’all, those are freaking death traps.”
Chenedy explained that she understands wanting to “ride around the city with your friends” but urged folks not to do it.
“I promise you, it’s not worth it,” Chenedy said. “And while we’re on the topic, why are we still riding motorcycles in 2023? Even if you have a helmet on, you could crash it. Do you know what happens when you crash it? You shatter your freaking pelvis.”
She continued: That’s what happens. You shatter your pelvis, you almost bleed out twice, you may die, you may survive. You may not be able to walk again. Like y’all leave these motorized vehicles alone. Love, a tired ICU nurse.”
TikTok users are aligned with Chenedy’s sentiments about motorized scooters and vehicles in general.
TikTok is usually a place where dissenting opinions make their rounds, but folks are all on the same page when it comes to motorized vehicles. Many TikTok users have affirmed Chenedy’s point and even gave real-life accounts about their own experiences.
“Six months ago I fell off a motorized scooter and I still suffer every day. Physical therapy twice a week for vertigo, constant dizziness, and headaches,” one user shared.
“As someone who had a helmet on and still got a traumatic brain injury, everyone pls be very careful if you do decide to ride a scooter,” another person said.
“My dad always said there are two kinds of motorcycle riders: Those that have gone down and those that are going down. It's not an 'IF,' but 'WHEN,'” another user chimed in.
The proof is in the pudding, folks. Let’s make better choices. Our lives depend on it.