There's a New Golden Girl on 'Gold Rush' — Let's Get to Know Ilaura Reeves

Published Oct. 14 2022, 7:59 p.m. ET

Ilaura Reeves
Season 13 of Gold Rush is now underway and beyond all the usual tense drama that inevitably accompanies every episode, we also get a little bit of new blood injected into the show.
In Episode 2, Parker is on his way to Fairbanks to meet with John Reeves, owner of Fairbanks Gold, LLC. And while John is certainly impressive, the person we found the most intriguing was his daughter Ilaura Reeves who, along with her husband Drew, works for her father. We love it when a woman shows up.
So, who is Ilaura Reeves on Gold Rush and what more do we know about her?
Who is Ilaura Reeves on 'Gold Rush'?
The reason why Parker is meeting with John Reeves is that he's about to potentially renege on a deal they had. Time is of the essence and Parker needs to find some gold on the land he has access to while he still has it. We quickly learn that both Ilaura and her husband have been prospecting on this land for roughly 10 years. Parker admits he needs help. "You might need to get creative. We kind of know some spots that are pretty good," Ilaura tells him.

Ilaura Reeves
"Can I show him where there's some gold out there on top?" she asks her father. Like a benevolent dictator, John says yes.
When Parker meets up with Ilaura and Drew, she swears "there is gold to be found out here." Ilaura promises Parker that she'll lead him to all the gold hot spots. We couldn't be more impressed by Ilaura, who knows what she's talking about, holding her own in a world primarily dominated by men. She also has other irons in the fire.
Ilaura Reeves designs her own jewelry.
Ilaura, along with her sister Jordan, is putting the gold she mines to good use. Together they started a company called Gold Daughters, which provides the troughs needed in order to pan for gold. According to their website, they were "born and raised in the golden heart city of Fairbanks, where their quest for gold started at a very young age. They were raised on the creeks, looking for gold and helping their dad pan through his clean ups."
Separate from her sister, Ilaura also designs jewelry, once again using the gold she finds. This is a creative outlet for Ilaura that she's only able to participate in during the off season.
"I pursue my creative outlets and find I can spend hours working on one piece of jewelry totally content to myself. I treasure this change of pace," she writes on her website.

Ilaura Reeves Jewelry
When someone is lucky enough to turn a passion into a possible career, it should not be ignored. Ilaura's pieces are stunning and, like the gold she discovers to bring them to life, each is different and unique. It's clear this is a path Ilaura was meant to pursue given her unorthodox career choice as a gold miner. We wouldn't mind seeing more of Ilaura on Gold Rush.
Tune into all-new episodes of Gold Rush, airing on Fridays at 8 p.m. ET on Discovery and streaming on Discovery Plus.