Our Jaws Dropped When We Heard What This TMJ Specialist Did to His Patient — Gross!

Published July 25 2023, 6:01 p.m. ET
According to a Baylor University Medical Center report, "[t]he importance of bedside manners was taught by medical scholars for 1500 years, from Hippocrates and Galen to Avicenna and the early Christian monks who began hospital care in the Middle Ages." Essentially, bedside manner is how a physician approaches and deals with a patient. It's their humanity working in conjunction with their medical expertise.
Some doctors seem to forget how patients feel when they enter their office. No one ever makes an appointment if things are going well, so being sensitive while speaking to a patient is preferred. Sadly, a woman on TikTok named Ella (@shesmytranquility1) had a pretty upsetting experience with a TMJ specialist who was acting in a wildly inappropriate fashion. Should this doctor be out? Let's get into it.

This is not OK!
This TMJ specialist should not be working.
When Ella went to a TMJ specialist for her lockjaw, she was pretty excited. Evidently this guy was the best in the area and she was in need of some relief. Sadly what Ella got was a bit of trauma that took her months to process.
Like a lot of victims, Ella wasn't sure if what she experienced was not OK. That's why she took to TikTok to tell her story. It's clear she needed a sounding board.
After she waited quite a while to see the doctor, things were immediately strange. Without introducing himself, the TMJ specialist walked into the room and demanded she open her mouth.
After complying, he irrationally insisted that Ella open her mouth wider. Clearly she was unable to do so due to the aforementioned TMJ. You would think a specialist would know that. "There's no reason you shouldn't be able to open your jaw," he said to her. Sir, the TMJ Is absolutely the reason. Things only get worse from here.
Frustrated, the doctor put her seat back down and physically turned Ella's legs around so they were facing each other. "Look me in the eyes and repeat after me," he said. "Dr. John wants me to be a good girl, and not clench my jaw more than one second per day." That is truly, and please forgive the pun, an unhinged thing to say.
It's common practice for a female nurse to be in the room with a male doctor and a female patient, for all the horrifying reasons you're thinking of. There was a woman in the room with Ella, but she was giggling the entire time. "I think she was awkward and was trying to make the best of it," said Ella with the kind of hope that comes with not understanding when women are also behaving in an odd way.

Things escalated as Dr. John asked Ella to open her mouth again. Without any gloves on, he started rubbing his thumb along her bottom teeth. Ella pointed out that she didn't see him wash his hands or use hand sanitizer prior to shoving his digits into her face. While massaging the inside of her mouth, Dr. John irrationally asked Ella why she was squirming so much. That's not even the worst part.
This TMJ specialist needs to be reported.
In a follow-up TikTok, Ella reveals more harrowing details of her visit with this TMJ specialist. "I laugh because I don't know whether to be traumatized or feel stupid," she says. "My emotions are kind of all over the place." Ella shares that this happened three months ago, which tracks when it comes to fully wrapping one's mind around a traumatic event. She was also worried no one would believe her.
After the doctor repeatedly asked Ella why her jaw pain was so bad, she finally told Dr. John that she might be clenching her jaw while lifting weights. "I've really be into that for about a year," she told him. He now chose to tell Ella that his daughter used to lift weights and she "lost everything she had going on up in her chest." And furthermore he "doesn't want to see that from you young girls." Sir, what?
Digging himself deeper into the sexual harassment hole, Dr. John said girls need to embrace what they have. "I couldn't even bear to look at her [his daughter] when she was lifting all those weights because she was so flat-chested," said Dr. John. Next, innuendos made an appearance as Dr. John cautioned Ella about doing "naughty things." It's clear he was implying that she'd engaged in fellatio which is why her jaw was bothering her.
The last thing Dr. John said as he was leaving was, "I want to see you, full-chested, back here in six months." The first comment under this TikTok is the best response to this situation: "Med student here. I BEG you to report him. If he’s doing that his first time seeing you, I shudder to think what else he’s done."