Did Any 'Indian Matchmaking' Couples Stay Together After the Series?
Updated July 27 2020, 10:16 p.m. ET

Despite all of its shortcomings (colorism, caste-ism, anti-feminism, among others), Indian Matchmaking is still one of the most riveting dating shows on Netflix to drop this year.
But one major disappointment about the series (besides the more critical aforementioned issues) is that it moves so quickly, following expert Sima Taparia from client to client, that we don't really get to catch up with the singles after their dates, or have the chance to see the Indian Matchmaking couples today.
Where are the 'Indian Matchmaking' couples today?
Thankfully, we've done some digging to see if any of these couples are still together. Keep scrolling to find out where your favorite couples from the series are now, about a year after filming.
Nadia Jagessar

Guyanese-Indian wedding and event planner Nadia was initially connected with another client of Sima's with Guyanese origins, but the two didn't have much in common beyond their backgrounds.
Next, Nadia was stood up by Vinay, with whom dates seemed to be going swimmingly, though Vinay has issued his own statements on Instagram and Twitter, decrying the way he was portrayed as ghosting Nadia on the show.
Finally, the event planner hit it off with Chicago-based lawyer Shekar, and it seemed to audiences like wedding bells might be in their future. Alas, Nadia and Shekar don't talk anymore, and in an interview with the LA Times, she said that the couple's dynamic shifted off-camera, "and obviously, the change was not positive," from the pleasantries we see.
These days, Nadia is single.
Pradhyuman Maloo

Mumbai-based jewelry designer Pradhyuman had the internet talking — but mainly because American audiences thought this fashion-loving designer might be happier dating his own gender.
Finally, he seemed to hit it off with model-actress and all-around beauty Rushali, but today, the two are no longer together. "We had different paths in life and we respected that and moved ahead," he told LA Times, adding that he's still "looking for the right one."
Aparna Shewakramani

We dare you to talk to anyone who's finished binging Indian Matchmaking and guarantee that the name Aparna will come up within the first couple of seconds of your chat. Viewers were absolutely taken by her hilariously honest and judgmental demeanor, and no one can forget her and her mother's two Pomeranians.
Is Aparna still with Jay from Atlanta? She tells the LA Times that none of her onscreen dates were "the one for me," but Jay tells OprahMag.com that the two have reconnected since the show dropped on Netflix. "We're talking much more frequently," he said. "It's like, who knows? There's still hope. There wasn't a clear reason why we stopped talking. It was more just that we lived in different cities. I'm not saying that this is going to happen — but from my perspective, it's not off the table."
Vyasar Ganesan

The adorable and lovable Vyasar is Twitter's collective boyfriend, the platform pretty much unanimously decided after watching the show.
Sadly, things didn't work out with Rashi, despite the fact that the face reader kind of intimated they'd be together forever. "It's no one's fault," says the delightful school teacher and college counselor. "Matchmaking really is tough. Both people I was matched with were truly wonderful, inspiring individuals who I'm proud to call friends."
Akshay Jakhete

Were we the only ones who truly felt for Akshay, the 25-year-old whose mom especially is keen on seeing married, like, yesterday?
Akshay was matched to Radhika from Udaipur, and we even got to see their pre-engagement ceremony, but "I called it off," Akshay told the LA Times. Citing "some things which we found out that did not go down well with us," Akshay alludes to the fact that his trust was broken. "So I am single right now and still looking for the right one," he shares.
We'd love to hear how his mom is doing, as well!
Ankita Bansal

Delhi-based fashion designer and denim entrepreneur Ankita went through a series of mishaps with her matches, and even consulted with a matchmaker who wasn't Sima!
It'll come as a surprise to no one that this driven designer is living her best life without a man. "At the end, it all comes down to a connection," she said.
Here's hoping she finds hers whenever she decides the time is right.
Indian Matchmaking is now streaming on Netflix.