“Proof Inflation Will Ruin Us All” - Mom Goes on Passionate Rant After Spending $70 at Target

Published Oct. 22 2023, 8:16 p.m. ET

An angry mother is calling out corrupt politicians who use intentionally divisive tactics in order to distract Americans that they are having their money stolen.
The video, which was reposted by the TikTok account @woodsowned, shows the mom, who is struggling to pay her bills, saying that Americans are being led to believe that fellow citizens are their "enemy."
She says that ultimately, the majority of Americans regardless of their personal beliefs or their individual identities, all share the same struggles: finding a safe and affordable place to live and the ability to feed themselves without being price gouged. However, she says that politicians are ultimately bought and sold by corporations, which dictate their policies.
It's an impassioned speech from the woman, who urges folks to put more pressure on their elected officials and take action against government leadership who are refusing to implement legislation that policies the corporations who "buy and sell" their political personas, which ultimately influence the laws they support, and line their pockets in the process.
The video begins with Woods claiming that "inflation will ruin us all" in his clip before it transitions to a mother who was astounded at the final cost of a Target shopping run she conducted with her son.
The mom says that she purchased "two bottles of hair product, a bottle of shampoo, a box of trash bags, and one Halloween decoration" which cost her $70, even with her 5% Target Red Card discount. She said that even her son, who isn't old enough to remember when "you could get a two-bedroom apartment in a decent area of town for $600 a month."
As she continued her rant, she rallied against rising home costs, which is a very tangible problem many Americans are facing: it is now harder to folks to purchase a home in the US today than it was during the Great Depression, which can be attributed to the current US government administration's unwillingness to curb corporate buyouts of residential properties which seem to be driving up the costs of homes across the nation.

"Now a one-bedroom apartment in a mediocre part of town is two grand a month," she went on to say, before delving into the high cost of living for essential items, which is mostly due to the skyrocketing levels of inflation that have occurred since 2021.
"Gas is $5.49 a gallon it costs me $65 to fill up my tank. Before COVID, my grocery bill per month was $350, now it's $600 a month and I buy the exact same amount of groceries. This s--- is out of control."
She then questions what she thinks that folks in the upper echelon of society believe is going to happen when throngs of citizens who are unable to feed or house themselves and their families. "They cannot possibly believe that extracting every last dime out of the working class by inflating all of the prices and paying us poverty wages is a sustainable economic model."

The mom goes on to castigate those in power, who many believe are businesses and special interest groups who sponsor elected officials, for failing to govern in such a way that forces Americans to work as hard as they do and receive so little in return.
"They are greedy sociopaths, this is what they do," she concedes, suggesting that the US population is heavily to blame for not caring enough about the state of the economy in order to demand and enact change.
"I am more mad at Americans because instead of uniting against this common enemy who is robbing us blind we are fighting over whether or not drag queens can read books to children. At what point are we going to stop taking this s--- lying down put our foots down and say f--- this and not allow it anymore?" she questions.

The irate mother also says that many Americans can't afford to live in the country anymore, let alone die in it, which is probably in reference to the average cost of a funeral today.
She then turned her criticism directly towards political parties, stating that the GOP is represented by the "same greedy sociopaths" who are robbing American families blind.
She goes on to say that politicians create platforms that delude people into believing they're going to "save" individuals from the problems that they ultimately created for US citizens. "They have not walked a single inch in your working class shoes they have no idea the struggle that you and I go through every day in this economy just to feed our families and keep them safe."
The mom then says that political groups are intentionally "distracting" and dividing American citizens into believing that folks who are working jobs and struggling to get by, just as they are, are their enemy and not the upper echelon of society who is exploiting working families regardless of their race, ethnicity, or religion.

She then turned her diatribe against the DNC as well, stating that "with the exception of a very small few" is ultimately filled with "weak and spineless politicians who placate to everyone just so that they can get re-elected because they wanna maintain some semblance of power in Congress."
The mom also sets her sights on "religious leaders" who she says are ultimately bought and paid for by the same "corporate sponsors" who are funding the political careers of government leadership as well.

Ultimately, the bills that politicians vote for or against that decide national and state policies are what matters and there are independently run websites that monitor these voting practices, like On The Issues.
The problem of corporate lobbying in politics is one that has been oft-discussed, but doesn't look like it'll end anytime soon.
A bipartisan bill presented by New York Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Missouri's Republican Senator Josh Hawley calls for a ban on Government Officials trading stocks. The Hill reported on several politicians who bought and sold stocks before the COVID-19 pandemic, raising alarm bells for insider trading and causing many watchdogs to question legislation, and the fact how numerous politicians have managed to become multi millionaires after spending just a few years in office.