"My Blood Is Boiling" — Inspector Walks in on Tenant Using Bathroom

Published Oct. 2 2023, 6:22 p.m. ET
Have you ever made one of those annoying house calls for repair people or inspectors? You know the ones.
They keep you on hold for an indeterminate amount of time, tell you that they'll send someone on an inconvenient date within an unreasonable stretch of time (i.e., between 8:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.), and in the end, you're lucky if they come at all.
This woman on TikTok essentially had something of the opposite problem when an inspector came knocking at her home.
Not only did the inspector and her team arrive almost entirely randomly, but their inspection was so aggressive that they ended up walking in on one of the tenants while they were in the bathroom. Allee Applegate on TikTok (@alleeapplegate) recounts the whole tale and what ended up happening.
This home tenant recounts when an inspector walked in on her roomate while they were using the bathroom.
Throughout late September 2023, Allee shared the full disturbing story in a series of TikToks. The videos came between Sept. 19 and Sept. 21.
According to Allee, she and her roommates had received notice in the mail that someone was coming in to inspect the HVAC unit in their garage. They'd been through this process before and thought nothing of it, thinking that they would simply check the unit in their garage and be on their way.
Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. Though Allee and her fellow tenants received notice that they would conduct their inspection between Monday and Wednesday of that week (which is not at all a clear time frame), the inspector reportedly arrived unannounced at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, waking up Allee and the tenants. As Allee remembers it, she kept yelling "inspection" the whole time.
Instead of only inspecting the garage as they originally thought, the inspector and her team began "marching" through Allee's home and taking pictures of all of their rooms. She reportedly did all this without providing identification.
"Literally don't even know how she got in," Allee claimed in her initial TikTok.
At one point, she even walked in on one of Allee's roommates while she was on the toilet, fully intending to take pictures.
Reportedly, the inspector did not take any pictures of the roommate, but she did apparently laugh before leaving. They left shortly after that, and the whole ordeal took place over the course of an invasive two minutes.
Allee wasted little time in contacting the leasing office. While they explained that they had sent a notice about an HVAC inspection, they couldn't explain why the inspector went as far as she did on her duties and even apologized. Upon learning that the inspector works for the state, Allee expressed her intention to sue the state of Tennessee.
"I want her fired and I want compensation," Allee declared.
At the very least, Allee was hoping for an apology for everything that the inspector put her and her roommates through. Unfortunately, that may not be in the cards for her.
In one final video, Allee revealed that the leasing office was unable to provide any information on the inspector's identity. To make matters worse, she had few legal avenues to explore considering she and her roommates were notified about an inspection, regardless of how far it went.
Instead of holding on to it though, Allee ultimately decided to forgive the inspector.
"I don't wanna be full of hate and anger and entitlement and aggression, so I'm just gonna forgive that woman so that my heart is clean."
We can only hope that this woman doesn't invade anyone else's home under the supposed guise of an inspection.