Instacart Customer's "Ridiculous" Instructions for Grocery Order Go Viral on TikTok

Published Feb. 8 2022, 8:49 a.m. ET

Ever since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more people have been turning to app-based delivery services in order to go about their daily lives. Whether it's getting food delivered from restaurants or using services like Amazon Fresh and Instacart to get groceries delivered straight to their home, there's been an uptick in usage on these apps.
And with an influx of new users are new employees who have to deal with new demands from said customers. And while these apps almost always have options that allow folks to put in special requests, there are some people who take it a little too far.
One TikToker said an Instacart user included a laundry list of instructions in their order, the first of which was a long rant about the importance of having cooling bags. In fact, the user was very concerned about the type of insulated cooling bags they were going to receive their groceries in and wanted photos of them. If not, they threatened to cancel their entire Instacart order.
TikToker @_instaqueen (Violetta Le'Mone) said that the note from the customer left her "shocked" and she took a screenshot of the note (well, at least part of it).
The customer wrote, "Please send me a photo of your insulated cooling bags in your shopping cart IMMEDIATELY before shopping otherwise I will call Instacart promptly and cancel this order to reschedule with a different shopper.

"If you don't have the insulated cooling bags or enough of them to keep my food items temperature-controlled, or you do have the insulated cooling bags, but only plan on using them during delivery then DON'T PICK UP MY ORDER. Some shoppers leave their cooling bags in their cars and only use them during delivery. That's not acceptable. I want my foods kept safe in insulated cooling bags during shopping and delivery."

Amazingly, they continued with their note, also expressing their distaste for a shopper doing multiple pick-ups at once. They wanted their order to be the only one the Instacart shopper was working on at the time. They wrote, "Also if you're doing batch orders then DON'T PICK UP MY ORDER. I've had too many groceries to spoil because it takes longer to do batch shopping."

But wait, there's more! They continued, "After you send the insulated cooling bags photo, please respond to my messages promptly while shopping and follow my shopping/bagging/delivery instructions per item, especially if I have chicken, meats, and milk in my order.
"Please make sure after checkout that my items are bagged properly per my instructions since the grocery bagger won't know what they are. Too many times other items have been bagged in with the raw meat/chicken, plus I've had bagging issues with other foods."

To top it all off, they rattled off their "SEVERE" food allergies and a whole host of other instructions associated with those.
Unsurprisingly, there were many TikTokers who said that they would've canceled the order immediately if they were to receive something as granular and painstakingly detailed as this.

Others suggested that the customer in question should've just shopped themselves if they had so many demands, while others couldn't believe that this particular individual fully expected the Instacart shopper to follow their instructions to a T while foregoing all other orders.

Some who rely on Instacart and are disabled commented that it's customers like the one in question who ruin the experience for everyone else.
What do you think? If you worked for Instacart, would you take this person's order?