Is Beth Pregnant on 'Good Girls'? She's Not, But the Printing Process Saves Her Life

Updated March 15 2021, 3:32 p.m. ET

As we all know by now (and if you don't, major Good Girls spoilers ahead), Beth shot Rio a few times back in the Season 2 finale, leaving him to die. Except he didn't, and he came back in Season 3. And while we learned that Beth was pregnant, the news came shortly after discovering that Rio was still alive. In Episode 3, Beth met Rio at a bar, where their reunion was pretty tense.
After showing her the bullets she shot him with and explaining, "Lung, spleen, shoulder," as he sets down each one, he tells her, "You're my girl, so I'm going to take it easy on you. I'll do it myself." Beth blurted out, "I'm pregnant!" Classic move! That's saved characters in past, like Nancy Botwin in Weeds and Love Quinn in You. But it does help if you're actually pregnant with the villain's baby.

So, is Beth actually pregnant?
After Beth's announcement at the bar, she and Dean have non-stop sex in hopes of Beth actually getting pregnant. But alas, after taking a bunch of pregnancy tests, they all came up as negative. Dean finds the pregnancy sticks and gets super annoyed with Beth since they already have four kids and they're rolling in financial woes. "We have a billion kids, Beth. It's completely insane," he tells her. He also accuses her of using him, feeling bummed because he actually thought they found their spark again.
Honestly, the last thing anyone needs right now is another baby with Dean.
Later on, Rio stops by Beth's place and brings her to an OBGYN to confirm if she's really pregnant. And...plot twist! The doctor tells her she's pregnant! She gets blood work done as well as an ultrasound. As the doctor performed the ultrasound, viewers clearly see that there's nothing in Beth's uterus, and Rio has the same thoughts as well. "You go to eight years of med school and take a look," the doctor says and laughs. But that was not enough to assuage Rio — he wants a paternity test.

"You can do that in about a month," the doctor says. So...Beth either has a month to get knocked up by Rio or kill him for good this time. Clearly, Beth is not actually pregnant and this doctor knew the situation (thanks, Rhea) and lied (which also has us worried for the doctor — if Rio finds out she was in on the scam, he won't be too happy). Beth thanks the OBGYN and the doctor tells her, "Thank your friend," with a totally changed demeanor. At a park, Beth runs into Rhea and asks, "Why?" Rhea responds, "You're a mom. But he's not dumb."
After telling Rio that she lost the baby in Episode 4, Beth's life was on the line — until the printing process saved her.
While the Episode 4 promo showed Annie suggesting that they go to Canada to buy a baby, Ruby clearly thought it was a bad idea. After all, Beth won't be able to pull off a baby with Rio's genes in a span of a month — so she needed to hatch (pun not intended!) another plan.
After realizing the circumstances of the situation at hand, Beth sets up a meeting with Rio to let him know that she lost the baby. Of course, all that's on his mind is getting her back for trying to kill him.
After telling him that she's no longer with child, she asks, "So what comes next?”
“Nothing good,” he responds. She asks him how much her life is worth, but he tells her she can’t afford it. “What if I could?” she asks.

She later meets up with the ladies at the bar to brainstorm, since Rio gave her a $100,000 price tag for her life. They decided to pawn a signed Gordie Howe’s jersey from the 1955 Stanley Cup to get some money.
While pawning the jersey doesn't solve their troubles — since it turned out to be fake — it turns out that their counterfeit money scheme ends up saving Beth. See, Beth's guy was running money through Rio’s guy, and Rio wanted to know who was the supplier.
After visiting Beth at work, he demands that Beth showed him the printing process. And after walking him through her production process, he is impressed. And it makes him realize that Beth is better alive than dead.
Good Girls airs Sundays at 10 p.m. ET on NBC.