Dax Shepard and Kristen Bell's Daughters Enjoy Non-Alcoholic Beer During Snack Time
Updated Sept. 16 2020, 1:46 p.m. ET

The perils of virtual learning are apparently enormous. Recently, Kristen Bell explained that she caught her daughters Lincoln, 7, and Delta, 5, drinking non-alcoholic beers during their virtual school lessons. During an interview on the podcast Say Yes! with Carla Hall, Kristen explained that she lets her children drink the O'Doul's non-alcoholic beer because it helps them feel connected to their dad.
Is Dax Shepard an alcoholic?
Kristen's husband Dax Shepard often brings non-alcoholic O'Doul's beer home because he's a recovering alcoholic. Dax has been sober for over a decade, and has been frank in the past about his relationship with alcohol. Kristen still drinks, but both of them have said that they don't feel pressured to drink even when other people do.
“The good thing is that my husband has done most of his sobriety work, and if you’re really doing the work, you hopefully one day aren’t triggered by people drinking around you,” she told The Huffington Post. “Dax has never been triggered by people drinking around him." She said that Dax encourages her to drink, and says that while he's lost his alcohol privileges, that doesn't mean that those around him shouldn't drink.
Dax Shepard bonds with his daughters over non-alcoholic beer.
In the podcast interview, Kristen said that her daughters often ask for non-alcoholic beer because they know what it means to their dad. She said that they often order O'Doul's when they're at restaurants for "sentimental" reasons. "It makes them feel close to their dad," Kristen explained. Apparently, their daughters' attachment to non-alcoholic beer has roots in their early childhood.
“The reason for this is because when we first had our child and my husband would put her in the Baby Bjorn and we’d walk around the neighborhood, he’d pop a non-alcoholic beer in his hand and the baby would paw at it and put the rim in her mouth," Kristen said. Now that the girls are doing their learning from home, Kristen has discovered that her daughters' love for non-alcoholic beer may be leading other parents to judge her.
Kristen Bell's daughters enjoy non-alcoholic beers during snack time.
As they might have in classrooms, Kristen and Dax's daughters are allowed short breaks during class when they can stretch their legs and grab a snack. Apparently, the couple's daughters have been favoring O'Doul's for their snacks, and will often drink them on camera. "I’m like, ‘What must these other parents and teachers think of me?’" Kristen said during the interview.
“I remind myself, ‘You don’t care, Kristen. They can pretend like you’re doing something wrong.’ I would argue that I’m not, because it’s non-alcoholic,” Kristen continued. “If anything, it opens up the discussion for why Daddy has to drink non-alcoholic beer, because some people lose their privileges with drinking. Drinking’s not always safe.”
Dax recently celebrated his 16th sobriety anniversary, and Kristen was eager to praise her husband on Instagram. "Thank you for dedicating your life to the hard and wonderful work of sobriety, so that we could share it with you," she wrote on her post.