'Big Brother's Enzo Palumbo Is a Dedicated Full-Time Dad

Updated Oct. 21 2020, 2:15 p.m. ET

From the start of Big Brother Season 22, Enzo Palumbo had it made. He went in as a former second runner-up, so he wasn't an immediate threat, and he got in on a powerful alliance as soon as he could. By the middle of the season, he had formed side alliances and deals with other players, and in one of the last Head of Household competitions, he came through.
Now, he’s a definite frontrunner and is guaranteed a spot in the final three. But outside of the game, he is missing out on time with his kids, who he regularly gives shout-outs to. And it has led some viewers to wonder if Enzo is married or not. He has never mentioned a special woman in his life, so he might not even be in a relationship.

But is Enzo married outside of 'Big Brother'?
When Enzo first competed on Big Brother back in Season 12, he was married and had a daughter who he was eager to go home to. Flash forward to 2020 and he also has a son, and appears to no longer be married. But, judging by his ex-wife’s Facebook post regarding rooting for Enzo this season, they seem to be on great terms.
As it stands, Enzo co-parents with his ex in order to peacefully raise their two kids and he has cited his kids as his reason for wanting to win the $500,000 prize at the end of the season. At the very least, Enzo could go home with the $25,000 prize as America’s Favorite Player, because lately fans are clinging to the comic relief he provides in an otherwise partly dire season.

Enzo has become a frontrunner in 'Big Brother: All-Stars 2.'
Although Enzo has just one Season 22 Veto win under his belt, he managed to win Head of Household twice and has been in a handful of powerful alliances. He has also been linked to the likes of Christmas Abbott and Cody Calafiore, both of whom have been formidable players. One thing Enzo has done that not many have this season, however, is avoid getting his hands dirty.
And that could be what leads him to the win. If Enzo gets to the final two, he stands a chance at getting a lot of jury votes for the win. During his first HOH reign, he backed down from making any big moves, but it could be what eventually saves his overall game. Without any enemies in the jury house, if Enzo makes it to the final two, he stands an excellent chance.

Who is Enzo Palumbo's ex-wife?
Enzo doesn't talk much about his private life on the show, even if he does occasionally open up about it on the live feeds. But his ex-wife is a woman by the name of Joella Kealy, who is not part of the Big Brother world. She works for a pharmaceutical company, but also has her hands full at home with at least one more kid in addition to the two she shares with Enzo.
Enzo’s wife also remarried after their divorce, but things seem to be pretty friendly between the former couple, especially since she has posted about Enzo on social media and may have been the one to write his HOH letter to him about their kids. And if Enzo wins Big Brother 22, all of his time spent away from his kids will have been with the trouble.
Watch Big Brother on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET on CBS.