Here's Why Fans Are Convinced Iris Is Pregnant on 'The Flash'

Published June 29 2021, 8:57 p.m. ET

Back in May, The Flash fans started to seriously think the show was setting Iris up to be or get pregnant. During Season 7, episode 10, "Family Matters, Part 1," people spotted several glaring pregnancy hints. Not only have Iris and Barry wanted to start a family, but we already met their future Arrowverse daughter, Nora West-Allen (XS) back in Season 4. She helps Team Flash take down Cicada but then faded away. Are we going to meet the real Nora soon?
Is Iris pregnant in 'The Flash'?
Iris isn't confirmed to be officially pregnant on The Flash, but fans are convinced she is. It also wouldn't be shocking if she is pregnant by the end of Season 7. The dialogue has been steeped in motherhood symbolism and what viewers think are pregnancy hints. For one, Iris was described as having a "glow" and then decided there is probably a part of each Force "inside of her." Later, when they don't find the Speed Force where it's supposed to be located, Allegra calls it a "false positive."
And then, Iris has a nightmare in which she sees Barry's mom Nora, who tells Iris she'll fail as a mom. Being a mom is definitely on the brain all throughout Season 7.
Another thinks it'll eventually happen before the season finale, which is a definite possibility. "Are we going to see Iris pregnant this season? Considering the timing of this I'm thinking Iris finds out she's pregnant in episode 17, or the cliffhanger for episode 16."
Tonight, people are noting that it feels like the pregnancy reveal is going to happen. "Regardless of how you feel about Iris, isn’t it weird that she isn’t physically in this episode yet? It’s about her being pregnant, seriously. #theflash #TheFlashSeason7," a fan wrote.
If The Flash follows the comics, then we should be seeing kids in Barry and Iris's future. In the comic books, they have two kids (Bart Allen and Nora West-Allen) who are also speedsters. Whether or not this means Iris will have a sped-up pregnancy is unknown. We've already seen Nora West-Allen, and we're supposed to be meeting their future son, Bart Allen, in Episode 150.
Plus, the idea of family is always present in The Flash, considering Iris and Barry created the Speed, Sage, and Still Forces, and they view this creation as family-like. Deon says things like "so I was a mistake," and "I didn't wish to be born" as though Iris and Barry conceived Deon themselves. Even though Barry has denied that they're his "children," Joe argues that Barry "brought them into this world." Psyc calls Iris his mother, and Iris agrees she's at least a mother-figure.

Bashir has even called Barry "Dad." While they're not actually Iris and Barry's children, the show really does emphasize familial language. It only makes sense for Barry and Iris to have children of their own. When exactly will that happen? Time will only tell.
Watch new episodes of The Flash on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. EST on the CW.