How Good Is Kartana in 'Pokémon GO'? Maybe the Best Grass Type Ultra Beast in the Game
Published Sept. 22 2022, 10:47 p.m. ET

Raids are going off in Pokémon GO and new Ultra Beasts are surely going to shake things up. With Celesteela and Kartana being the new Ultra Beast additions to the Pokémon GO roster, fans want to know just how good Kartana is and the answer is very good.
In case you somehow don't know, Pokémon GO is an augmented reality game where players catch Pokémon in real life through their cell phone's location tracking. Pokémon GO was an instant success when it first came out. Currently, there are more than 70 million active players playing, according to

One of the newer additions to the Pokémon and Pokémon GO universe is Ultra Beasts. Ultra Beasts are strange Pokémon-like creatures who originally appeared in the Alola region and include Pheromosa, Buzzwole, Xurkitree, Nihilego, Celesteela, Kartana, and Guzzlord. Due to their supernatural origin, appearance in wormhole gym raids, and stats, Ultra Beasts are highly prized in Pokémon GO.
Is Kartana good in 'Pokémon GO'?
Considering that Kartana is only available through wormhole raids, puts out solid damage, and because of the grass and steel typing, it's shaping up to be one of the premier PVE Ultra Beasts in Pokémon GO. As for which of the Ultra Beasts North American Pokémon GO players should be trying to get their hands on, Kartana is one of them.
Part of why Kartana is so good for raid attacks and gyms in Pokémon GO is the Pokémon's grass and steel typing. Kartana is a steel type in addition to a grass type, which makes up for some of the weaknesses of grass while still allowing Kartana to use powerful attacks like Razor Leaf and Leaf Blade.

Kartana is a must for rolling through PVE. While Kartana is in no way going to be any Pokémon GO player's tank or PVP powerhouse, what the Pokémon lacks in a beefy health bar or defense it fills the gaps with devastating DPS.
You can catch Kartana in 'Pokémon GO' for a certain period of time.
Currently, Kartana is available in Pokémon GO in North America from Sept.13–27. To begin the process of catching Kartana, look for wormholes over Pokémon gyms since this indicates an Ultra Beast raid will commence soon.
For some Ultra Beast raids, there will be a counter for when the raid will begin. When the raid begins, Pokémon GO players will need to be prepared with the appropriate typing to take on the raid boss. For Kartana, it's best to stick with fire and fighting attacks since those are its grass and steel type disadvantages. Between fire and fighting, it's best to go with fire types to take down Kartana since fire is particularly effective against grass Pokémon.