'New Pokémon Snap' Isn't Multiplayer, but Even if It Was, How Would That Work?

Updated April 30 2021, 3:41 p.m. ET

There are some things that many would say are always better to do with other people, like riding a banana boat, having a picnic, or playing video games.
Of course, that's not to discount the incredible number of single-player games that have completely shaped the future of the gaming industry and have challenged what a video game can be, like Shadow of the Colossus or Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, or Bioshock.
Pokémon Snap for N64 might not be considered as "important," but it's still a beloved single-player title.
But is 'New Pokémon Snap' capable of supporting two or more players? Sadly, no.
The original game was one of the most beloved single-player cartridges a Nintendo 64 owner could have in their collection. It was a game with a disappointing-at-first premise that ended up becoming one of the more fun and original titles to ever debut in the Pokémon universe.
Now Nintendo Switch fans can enjoy that same kind of Pokémon-photography action on their own consoles.

There isn't any type of multiplayer functionality but even if there was, it'd be difficult to imagine just how that would work in a Pokémon Snap game. The title primarily operates on a "rails" type theme. You only have so many chances to take great pictures of the game's Pokémon while traveling through the different biomes.
It's not like developers would be able to have one player control the vehicles players are traveling on while another takes pictures. That would kind of defeat the entire purpose of the game because the ability to take great photos with the limitations of the game's rules is what makes it so much fun.

The only type of "multiplayer" option in 'New Pokémon Snap' is a rating system.
Unlike the first game, which was released on a console that didn't have any online functionality whatsoever, New Pokémon Snap at least allows gamers to share their photos of Pokémon with others. Your online friends can then rate your pictures on the web. This extends to popular social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter as well.
'Pokémon Snap' fans are also interested in the character of Rita in the game.
The character is an assistant to Professor Mirror at the laboratory of Ecology and Natural Sciences in the Lental region. She helps the game's protagonist learn about new Pokémon and shares tips on the best ways to capture photos of these creatures. It's believed that she's going to be a vehicle for game secrets as well, which could potentially lead to some exciting finds in New Pokémon Snap.
Are you excited to try the latest iteration in the Pokémon Snap series? Early reviews for the game are pretty hit or miss. Many have called the game "chill" and fun to play, while other outlets, like Tech Radar, weren't as kind, calling it "amateur photography hour."