Ronda Rousey Is Expecting Her First Child!

Updated April 21 2021, 12:48 p.m. ET

WWE star and former MMA fighter Ronda Rousey announced on Nov. 12, 2019 that she would officially be leaving WWE behind to focus on starting her family. She's been open in the past about wanting to have children — but has also been clear that she wishes people would back off on asking her about when she plans to grow her home.
Of course, that didn't stop people from asking Is Ronda pregnant? And now there's good news to share!

Is Ronda Rousey pregnant? Yes!
In a YouTube video uploaded on April 21, 2021, Ronda and her husband Travis Browne are seen lounging together on a porch swing. At first, nothing much seems to be happening, and Ronda seems to be at a loss for words. Then, she lifts up the pillow that has been resting on her abdomen to reveal a baby bump! "Pow! Four months pregnant," she says before going on to share footage of some ultrasound appointments.
At the end of the video, Ronda and Travis refer to their baby as "the baddest baby on the planet." Seems like a pretty fitting title. We couldn't be happier for them as they embark on this new and exciting journey!
When is Ronda Rousey's due date?
Ronda also shares the information surrounding her due date in the video. "I've been pregnant since January, so four months," she says in the video. At the end of the exciting announcement, she gives even more info: Her due date is September 22. Ronda and Travis also say they'll be revealing the sex of the baby later (presumably in another video posted later). Suffice it to say that it will definitely be an exciting fall season for the family of three!
Ronda previously said she didn't want to rush the process of getting pregnant.
In an interview with E! News, Ronda revealed that while she's more than ready to start having children of her own, she's not going to rush the process too much.
"We're just putting it out in the universe and letting nature take its course and not trying to rush it or put any pressure on ourselves," she told the outlet in December of 2019. "Just kind of enjoy our time as a family together. Enjoying every day and accepting it whenever it happens."

By this, she means that while they want to have a kid together, they're not doing a lot of the planning that usually goes into pregnancies.
"You know, we're not taking ovulation tests or anything like that," Ronda added. "But, I'm also not on the road 200 days a year and taking power bombs every night. So, I'm sure that helps."
Clearly, everything worked out! We're super happy and excited for Ronda and Travis!
She's already a step-mom to her husband's kids.
We know that when she does have a child of her own, she won't be completely new to the world of motherhood. Ronda married Travis brown in August 2017 and has been a step-mother to his two children, Kaleo and Keawe.
She's been there for them for the entirety of her marriage to Travis, and it seems like they like her a lot. In Instagram posts directed at Ronda, Travis has even called his kids "your boys." Sounds like they're already one happy family.
Ronda also admitted that she and Travis were taking their time getting pregnant so they can enjoy being a family together before introducing another member to the family. She said that once they did, it would "change [her] family forever."

This doesn't mean that her time on the show is going to be cut short, though. It's likely she'll stay on for the rest of the season, and if we're lucky, she'll stick around and to give us an even closer inside look into her venture into motherhood.