Sirenhead, the Internet's Newest Obsession, Is Here to Haunt Your Dreams

Updated May 7 2020, 1:30 p.m. ET

Move over, Slenderman, there's a new cryptid in town.
While the slender, faceless figure that followed you in foggy woods previously captivated the internet, Sirenhead is the internet's newest obsession, infiltrating its way into video games and even TikTok.
But who — or what — is Sirenhead, and is it real?
Is Sirenhead real?
Created by Canadian illustrator Trevor Henderson, who specializes in creating creepy characters, Sirenhead was first seen on Trevor's feed in 2018.
The creature, characterized by its towering emaciated figure and sirens in place of a head, reveals its presence with the ominous sound of — you guessed it — sirens.

Sirenhead is just an original character created by Trevor, and has no basis in history or myth. So no, you don't need to keep yourself up at night worrying your next trot through the woods will be met with a towering killer alarm.
"She was on vacation with her husband and they were scoping out graveyards on the way, as you do, when she saw it," his post debuting the creature reads.
"Rising out of the old cemetery, big as an old (macabre) telephone pole. Was this some kind of bizarre art piece the authorities hadn't gotten wise to yet? Even as she stepped out of the car, the megaphones on it's 'head' screeched to life. 'NINE. EIGHTEEN. ONE. CHILD. SEVENTEEN. REMOVE. VILE.' A buzzing, doubled voice screamed random words at her. At this point, it jerked into motion, striding down the hill towards her."
Over the last couple of years, Trevor has continued the lore of Sirenhead, creating a visual explaining some of the monster's features and history — even continuing to create stories of its "sightings" throughout history.
"July 16th, 1995 - Chad Gewecke is found wandering the woods of Tanyard Creek in North West Arkansas," another post about Sirenhead reads. "He is admitted with minor injuries, and when questioned, he claims his friends were taken or killed by 'something huge striding through the trees' that mimicked their voices."
Sirenhead gained popularity after appearing in 'Fallout 4.'
The recent rise in popularity of the haunting figure can be attributed to its appearance in a mod for the popular video game Fallout 4. The game follows the inhabitants of a nuclear fallout shelter, and the mod introduces the lanky creature as a monster you can try to defeat.
There's also a spinoff game, just called Siren Head, that can be played on PC. Popular gaming YouTubers like Markiplier and JackSepticEye have played it on their channels, delving into the content and lore of the creature.
But the popularity of Sirenhead doesn't stop there. Fans of the creature have taken it one step further, using CGI to put it into videos and posting them to TikTok. This, of course, is where the creature's popularity really soared and brought into question whether or not it was real. Most of the videos on TikTok are POV videos, giving the creature potential storylines.