Please Don't Eat the Tablets You Find in Your Pregnancy Test

Updated Jan. 30 2020, 9:57 a.m. ET

You can't believe everything you see on the internet, and it's about time the users of TikTok learned that lesson.
It's unclear where this trend started, but users have started taking apart Clearblue pregnancy tests to prove that there's a Plan B contraceptive pill inside. There are more than enough videos about this on TikTok, where users are purchasing new Clearblue tests to take them apart. Inside of each of these tests is a small, tan-colored tablet.
This tablet, many users believe, is actually a Plan B pill. Of course, because these trends easily spiral out of control, more and more TikTok users are destroying pregnancy tests to see the tablet for themselves.
The legitimacy of this claim has (understandably) come into question — so, is there really Plan B in a pregnancy test?
Plan B pills are not hidden in pregnancy tests.
Let's just start with the basics: No, there are not emergency contraceptive pills hidden inside of pregnancy tests. In fact, the tablet located inside of the tests is not a pill meant for human consumption. These tablets are meant to hold moisture to expand the shelf life of the test, like the silica packets you find in new backpacks and purses.
This means you should not eat the tablet, and if you do, it will not prevent you from getting pregnant. In fact, you should really seek medical care if you do.
This trend has gone so far that Clearblue actually had to put a disclaimer on their website, clarifying there is not a Plan B pill inside.
"We are aware of videos circulating about Clearblue pregnancy tests and the tablet found inside," the notice reads. "Clearblue pregnancy tests do NOT contain Plan B. All our tests contain a small desiccant tablet which is included to absorb moisture and should not be eaten. If accidentally ingested please seek medical advice and for any further questions contact our careline at 1-800-321-3279."
There are some obvious reasons why it would be stupid to include a Plan B pill inside of a pregnancy test, and a lot of it has to do with how pregnancy and contraception works.
If you buy a pregnancy test because you're worried that you might be pregnant, then it's already too late to take an emergency contraceptive pill. According to Planned Parenthood, Plan B can be taken up to five days after unprotected sex, but is most effective if taken within the first 72 hours.
You can't have a positive pregnancy test until at least 21 days after conception, as the test won't reflect the change in hormones until the fertilized egg implants in the walls of the uterus.
Financially, putting the Plan B pill inside of a pregnancy test also wouldn't make sense. Brand-name Plan B runs at about $50 a pill, but some off-brand emergency contraceptive pills are only $15. Clearblue pregnancy tests are less than $10 for one. If there hypothetically was a Plan B inside of the test, they would likely be much more expensive than they are.
If for some reason, you're not convinced yet, ask your doctor — they'll tell you the same thing. But don't eat the tablet you find inside of your pregnancy tests either way.