Is Twitch Dying? Streamers Want a More Secure Platform Not Flooded With Reaction Content

Published Oct. 16 2022, 10:45 a.m. ET

Is Twitch close to dying?
At any given moment, there are over two million watching their favorite streamers on Twitch. The platform has always been on the cutting edge of media, bringing creators and their audiences together in real-time. Who never wished that they could interact with their favorite artist? Twitch provides that, but over the last few years, streamers have started to leave the platform. There are hundreds of clips of streamers bashing Twitch for its rules and selective regulation. Is it the beginning of the end for Twitch?
To begin with, Twitch has a difficult time keeping track of all the content getting pumped out by its eight million creators. There is serious disparity in treatment based on how much traffic you can generate. Like any business, Twitch wants to make money, so it disciplines successful streamers less. Another problem persists in the sheer amount of 'content' on being nothing but reactions, fluff, and not-quite-nude 'creators' targeting the young and simple-minded.
Is Twitch dying - or are streamers being dramatic?
No, Twitch is not dying. From 2021 to 2022 their average viewership increased. Their year-to-year earnings also increased by nearly 41 percent. The platform itself is still a great resource for creators to gain traction in their careers and generate an audience. But does the platform's success reflect in the way it treats the creators who are responsible for that very same success? That doesn't seem to be the case. Twitch has added more advertisements and reduced streamer revenue.
No wonder that a host of major streamers with large viewerships, from Ludwig to Dr. Disrespect and LilyPichu, are making an exodus from Twitch in favor of YouTube. For one thing, a large amount of Twitch streamers already upload their clips to YouTube. Streaming there makes the process even simpler, plus the platform is more financially secure for content creators. YouTube's streaming is by no means perfect and neither is the way in which it enforces its rules, but it's apparently preferable to Twitch.
At the end of the day, will still be around. It will likely remain a popular platform. However, if streamers start to feel more and more disgruntled about continually decreasing compensation and increasing ads, you can expect to see Twitch's roster dwindle.
If you're a company dedicated to connecting people with content creators, why would you implement policies that alienate the creators? Why would they want to stay? Twitch isn't as unique in its streaming capabilities as it used to be. If Twitch is dying, it's dying slowly, and YouTube will be there to put flowers on the grave.