The Trailer for ‘El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie’ Just Dropped and Some Key Characters Are Missing

Updated Aug. 26 2019, 2:02 p.m. ET

Netflix just dropped the trailer for El Camino, the Breaking Bad movie that follows Jesse Pinkman after his daring escape from a meth-cooking facility where he was basically enslaved by white supremacists to make drugs all day.
While people are stoked that more info on the flick is finally available, the real question everyone has is...
Is Walter White in El Camino?
A lot of folks certainly thought he might be after the fictional character and the actor playing him, Bryan Cranston, started sharing identical images and posts on social media.
People certainly thought this was an indicator that Bryan Cranston would be involved in the film, especially since both he and Vince Gilligan said that an appearance from Heisenberg wasn't out of the realm of possibility.
As of now, Netflix isn't releasing any information about the plot of the film, save for this succinct description: "In the wake of his dramatic escape from captivity, Jesse must come to terms with his past in order to forge some kind of future."

The full title is El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie, and it's written and directed by showrunner and creator Vince Gilligan. If you're wondering why it's called, El Camino, well, that has everything to do with Jesse's escape from the compound. The car that Jesse leaves in is, you guessed it, an El Camino.
As excited as everyone is for the movie, it seems like actor Aaron Paul is even more stoked than fans of the series that it's finally happening: "El Camino was a chapter of Bad that I didn’t realize that I wanted. And now that I have it, I’m so happy that it’s there. I couldn’t speak for a good 30, 60 seconds... I was just lost in my thoughts. As the guy who played the guy, I was so happy that Vince wanted to take me on this journey."

Which Breaking Bad characters will be making an appearance in the movie?
Well, what we do know is that Skinny Pete, the meth-head piano prodigy and long-time friend of Jesse Pinkman, is going to be in El Camino.
We see him in the trailer being grilled by law enforcement as to the whereabouts of his pal. Like a true friend, he tells the cops that he has no idea where Jesse's at, and even if he did, he wouldn't spill any beans.
"No way I'm helping you people put Jesse Pinkman back inside a cage," Pete says to the po-po. Unfortunately, the short clip doesn't divulge any additional information.
While Badger isn't in the trailer either, it's probably safe to say that the quirky friend will make an appearance as well.

In an interview with Mashable, the actor who played Skinny Pete, Charles Baker, had some ideas as to what happened to the two burnouts:
"Well, I think Skinny Pete went straight to that music store and bought that keyboard and him and Badger decided to put the band back together. The original band was TwaüghtHammër, but Skinny Pete wasn't a member of TwaüghtHammër, so they decided to go with TwaüghtHammër 2: The Twaüghtening."
But is Walter White going to be in the movie? Well here's an answer you're not going to like: there's no way to know.
But here's some good news: There's a pretty convincing theory that Walter isn't dead at the end of Breaking Bad. Yes, we saw him bleeding out on the floor as the credits rolled, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's gone to the other side.
Even if he is dead though, there's plenty of room for flashback scenes in El Camino, so maybe he'll make an appearance that way. What do you think? Can we count on Walter White in the movie?
The movie will first premiere on Netflix on October 11, and shortly after that, AMC will broadcast it.