J Balvin Introduces Best Friend Juliana Zuluaga to His Instagram Followers
Updated Feb. 11 2021, 5:30 p.m. ET
"When they let you sleepover for another day in your best friend's house," J Balvin captioned a video of himself high-fiving Juliana Zuluaga, a woman with Down syndrome.
Who is this J Balvin super-fan? Juliana and Balvin have been friends for years, and at one point the "Mi Gente" singer even joked around that the two were dating. Keep reading to learn more about their friendship.

Who is Juliana Zuluaga?
"I never talk about my private life, but I have to introduce you to my girlfriend. 'What will you tell the people, Juli? How long have we been together?'" he asked Juliana, a woman with Down syndrome, in Spanish in a video, to which she responds, "Four."
Juliana, who calls Balvin "mi Josesito hermoso" and "mi gran tesoro" (my great treasure) has been friends with the singer for at least six years, according to her Instagram page where she has nearly 18,000 followers.
A photo of Juliana and Balvin sharing a milkshake in December of 2014 is the brunette's first post, which was followed by another photo of herself and the "Colores" artist at a mall hugging in front of a Christmas tree a few weeks later.
Their friendship has been a steady constant since. The singer is a fixture of Juliana's social media page, where the fellow Colombian always takes the time to dedicate sweet and heartfelt captions to her favorite pop star.
Onlookers have posted their comments both on Juliana and Balvin's Instagram pages. "Beautiful Juli, the most tender and sweet girlfriend J Balvin could have," writes one.
"I want to be her," writes another. "I admire your Josesito a lot more now, how tender," added a third, who also took the time to offer the cute pair a blessing in Spanish.
On the morning of Dec. 15, Juliana found herself all over J Balvin's Instagram stories. First, enjoying breakfast in his gorgeous open-layout kitchen, then jumping in fright after Balvin sneaks up behind her and scares her.
"We're communicating in laughter," Balvin says in Spanish at one point from where he's standing, behind the screen.

While it's unclear how these two know each other — some assume that they're family members, while others think that Balvin has genuinely struck up a friendship with this woman he initially met as a super fan — what is clear is the purity of their friendship.
What appears to have begun as occasional hangouts at the mall has evolved into a multiple-day sleepover, which in the current Covid-19 pandemic landscape, seems like more socializing than many of us have had the fortune to experience in nearly a year.
"Nowadays, humility is hard to find," one J Balvin follower commented on his post with Juliana. "The feeling of being allowed to stay at your best friend or cousin's house is the best in the world," added another. "How nice you are to everyone," wrote a third, coloring their comment with hearts and emojis.