Jake Tapper Is Making Twitter Thirsty — but Is the CNN Host Married?

Updated Nov. 7 2020, 9:37 a.m. ET

Election day came and went in 2020, but no clear winner was able to be determined until well into Nov. 7 — when Joe Biden was at last declared the president-elect. As Americans remained glued to vote counts leading up to the historic moment, CNN viewers shared their mutual love for host Jake Tapper. This begged the question: Is Jake married and if so, who is his wife?
Jake Tapper's wife is Jennifer Marie Brown.
Sorry, ladies and gents: Jake is very much married. He and his wife Jennifer met at a hotel bar in Des Moines while he was covering the Iowa caucuses for Good Morning America in 2004.

“It was the day of the caucuses and all the big hitters flew in, so I knew I wasn’t going to go on. So my producer and I went out. When [John] Kerry won, we said, 'Let’s go to the Kerry campaign headquarters, because that’s where the party will be.' And I walked into the Hotel Fort Des Moines and there was Jennifer,” Jake told Dartmouth Alumni Magazine in 2016.
He added, “I saw her and I walked up to her and we went out the next day in D.C. and that was it."
Jake and Jennifer married on Sept. 3, 2006 and went on to welcome two children: a daughter, Alice Paul Tapper — who published a children's book as a pre-teen titled Raise Your Hand — and a son, Jack.
At the time that Jake and Jennifer married, she was working as a regional field manager in Washington, D.C., for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, according to The New York Times.
Fast-forward to 2016, and Jake told Dartmouth Alumni Magazine that his wife was working part-time for an organization called Upstream, which works to reduce unplanned pregnancies and to make the lives of parents and children better.
“I also volunteer with AmeriCorps’ reading partners program, helping first- and second-graders to read,” Jennifer told the Washingtonian in 2015. “That time every week allows me to understand that people need each other, and the most important thing we can do every day is to be kind.”
Although Jake and Jennifer tend to keep their relationship and personal lives private, the CNN host's wife does show up on his social media feeds every now and then.
That hasn't stopped Twitter from sharing their thirst for Jake Tapper.
As coverage of the 2020 election continued well into Nov. 7, many people tuning into CNN's live reporting couldn't help but appreciate Jake for a number of reasons — including his hotness.
Jake Tapper's "swear on the Bible" interview with Ted Crockett started trending again.
While some on Twitter swooned over Jake's appearance, others also shared a 2017 clip of a conversation between the CNN host and Ted Crockett, a spokesman for Sen. Roy Moore.
"Judge Moore has also said that he doesn't think a Muslim member of Congress should be allowed to be in Congress. Why? Under what provision of the Constitution?" Jake asked Ted, to which he replied, "... You have to swear on a Bible to be an elected official in the United States of America. He alleges that a Muslim cannot do that, ethically, swearing on the Bible."
Jake pointed out, "You don't actually have to swear on a Christian bible, you can swear on anything, really. I don't know if you knew that. You can swear on a Jewish Bible."
Ted insisted, "Oh no. I swore on the Bible. I've done it three times."
"I'm sure you have, I'm sure you've picked a Bible but the law is not that you have to swear on a Christian Bible. That is not the law. You don't know that?"
The look on Ted's face could only be described as stunned as he struggled to find his words.
As much as CNN fans want to kiss Jake Tapper for that brilliant moment — and because they had been staring at his face for the better part of four days because of the 2020 election — the journalist appears to be happily married to his wife, Jennifer.