James Corden Comes Off as a Real Jerk in His Reddit 'Ask Me Anything'

Updated May 26 2019, 2:37 p.m. ET

James Corden recently participated in an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session on reddit and it went about as well as Woody Harrelson's. Actually, that's a lie — Corden's was arguably worse.
One of the best parts about being a comedian is being able to air out all of your dirty laundry in the form of jokes. It's connecting those real shallow feelings and experiences that everyone relates to that make comedians truly stand out.
Some of the best comics make those feelings public more or less and we feel for them because they do something about those feelings or are honest about the kind of people they are. Richard Pryor, for example, was no angel, but because he held himself accountable and expressed his reaction to all the "dirty" stuff in his life, we loved him for it.
What we really hate, is a hypocrite. For example, this "family-friendly" comedian.
Which brings us to late night host James Corden, the man who brought us Carpool Karaoke and a most excellent prank on David Beckham. Corden's bubbly personality and sharp wit made him immensely popular. He's voiced characters in major motion pictures, acted in a bunch of TV shows and films, writes a butt-ton, and does it all while hosting a late-night TV show with an endless amount of exuberance.
Oh and he totally once kissed Harry Styles on Carpool Karaoke for a joke. The man's dedicated to his craft.

But those who have been watching his career for quite some time has noticed that he's got a bit of a mean streak. Sure, some of the best comedians are massive jerks, but they don't pretend that they're not. James, however, fully embraces his big-nice-softie persona.
But it's a persona many participants in his latest reddit AMA say is false. The Late Late Show host visited Reddit along with five other members of the Carpool Karaoke team to interact with fans, and the entire thing just ended up turning into a spitfire session. People shared stories about how egotistical and self-centered the comedian is. And that was just the tip of the iceberg.
As it stands right now, one of the top-voted comments accuses James of showing up to a Writers Guild Association meeting to advocate for lower pay for starting writers. So low, according to the comment thread, it equated to a wage that's barely livable in Los Angeles.

Writer Jack Allison maintains that Corden showed up to negotiate writers' salaries down. It didn't take long for other people to hop in the AMA with their own stories of Corden's rudeness towards fans and self-absorbed behavior.
One redditor mentioned the time they saw Corden filming the UK game show A League of Their Own and, while other stars were polite and engaged with fans, Corden was aloof.

Then there was this crazy airplane story involving a woman and a baby. There's no way to verify whether the story's true, but it does seem pretty much in line with what others have said about the comedian.
Yeah, M. Night Shymalan couldn't even have come up with that twist.
Then there's the long-storied beef James has with Patrick Stewart. Yes, Sir Patrick Stewart. It's hard to imagine anyone being that angry with the Star Trek: The Next Generation actor, but the way the comedian behaved towards him at an awards show surprised a lot of people. Granted, Patrick's roasts of James on the mic were pretty flaccid in this video, but James really seems to let his temper get the best of him.
There's also been a lot of talk about James' early work as being "unfunny", like this Spiderman kissing Superman sketch. Others have accused him of advancing so far in his career for merely being a corporate suck-up, much like this other late night host.
Personally, I think it's hard to blame him for appearing in stuff like Lesbian Vampire Killers — every actor or entertainer's done things they've probably regretted doing early on their career. Just ask Leonardo DiCaprio about Don's Plum.
Being in garbage projects is super excusable when you're trying to become a working actor. Being a massive jerkwad, however, isn't.